May's pov
" So, Turtle women and kitty girl. How are you doing?" I ask two of my classmates.
They both growl at me. They look annoyed at me because they were both boys and they hated those nicknames I gave them.
" Stop calling us that you fucking bitch!" Scott, the boy on the right, said to me.
" Yeah, you whore!" Calvin, the boy on the left, yelled at me.
" Aww... Well Scott you shouldn't have dressed up as a turtle for Halloween. And Calvin, you shouldn't dress up as little kitty either" I said in a mocking tone while I patted their heads due to them at least 1 inch shorter then me.
" I was a phycho cat you whore!" Calvin yelled at me.
" You know I love turtles May you fucking bitch" Scott said getting feed up.
I have them a smirk with innocent eye's.
" My, my, is that how you treat a girl?" I said with an innocent tone.
Thy glared at me.
" And that is certainly not a way to address me! You should at least call me a hoe , or say ducking fitch" I said putting hands to my side and keeping that same face.
They kept glaring at me but soon, walked away from the scene.
I smiled to myself for talking to them like that. I walked to the girls restroom that nobody goes into due to what I did to it a few weeks ago. I went to the mirror and looked at myself but soon averted looking at my own eyes. I was to ashamed of what I had become.
' Just an other bully!'
Those words stuck onto me since Andrew said to me the day before he nearly killed himself because of me. I curled up on the floor and leaning on wall. I looked at the clock and saw that it was way past 4 minutes for class transferring.
' Why do you do this!?'
' Why do you laugh at me!?'
' Stop hurting people for fun is cruel!'
' Leave me alone!'
' Stop bullying me!'
Those were the most things I heard from people after I was done mocking them. Those were also all the things I said to my bully's when I was in elementary school. Now, I'm in 8th grade. Hurting people since I was in 6th grade. I had had enough of that when I left elementary school.
When I got to 6th grade I had decided to be the bully for once. I have no idea where that came from but, when I started to pick on kids I got carried away. I began calling people names, taunting them, pushing them, hitting them. Everything people used to do to me. At least I only pick on the kids that were mean to me.
That was a promise I kept to myself. The bad thing is that more than half of the grade has picked on me so that means more bullying for me to do. Soon, I hope I'll be better to people, at least in 9th grade I'll try. Or if luck hits me, I'll move to a different town or school. Well the point is that 8th period is almost over so I should get ready for the bus ride home.
I got up from the floor and dusted myself off because when I said that nobody went on here. I mean nobody. I stood in front of the the mirror still not looking myself in the mirror but looking at the what I looked like. I had short bobbed brown hair; Green eyes; A white shirt; And Jean pants with tennis shoes. I say I looked okay for a bully that really didn't wanna be one in the first place.
I went out the door and saw that kids were already clearing out the classrooms, exclusively the math classroom. I ran down to the lockers and found mine next to the sweetest girl in school, Charlotte Adams. Just her luck to be the only kid in school who has to have their locker next to me, due to me being at the end of the locker row. She was one of the only kids that never picked on me, so I respected her. I opened my locker and put in the combo:
' 33...19...41...'
I opened up my locker and got ready to ride the bus back to the house. I as usual tried to get ready before Charlotte came from cleaning her 7th hour classroom. You might say I have a lot of time to eat rest but that girl can clean. I grabbed everything and stuffed it in my binder. I was about to put on my jacket and swing my bag over my shoulder an rush out but, Charlotte was already here.
" Hi May" She said in a happy little tone.
Even after all I've done to kids in front of her, she still refuses to give up on trying to be everyone's friend. She's literally become friends with everyone in the school and keeps trying to be my friend but doesn't wanna except for the fact that I'm a tough cookie to crack.
" Hi Charlotte, how was your day"
I didn't say I wasn't going along with her plan to be my friend.
" It was fine, thanks for asking" she flashed me a smile.
I smiled back to her.
She opened her locker with her dumb, silly, little smile that I hope never leaves her face. Charlotte was a small, shy, timid, and petite girl. She had long black wavey hair, blue eyes with navy blue jeans and a long sleeve zebra striped shirt. I smiled at her again but this time she didn't see it. I frowned at myself, for some reason I got a bad feeling that something was going to happen to me.
" Hey Charlotte, can I have your phone number?" I asked.
I knew that I wasn't going to see Charlotte for a while.
" Looks like your coming along now aren't you May?" She said innocently smiling.
" I-it's not like that! Now give me your number!" I demanded her.
" What's the magic word" she said.
And I thought I was teasing.
" Please..."
" Alright it's right here" she grabbed a piece of paper and wrote her number then handed it to me.
" Thank you" is aid to her while swiping it from her hands.
I turn around with everything on and try to leave but Charlotte stops me.
" Why the sudden interest in finally asking for my number, May?" She asked me.
" I got a feeling that I wasn't going to see you in a while" I said twisting my head and flashing a smile.
" Well either way... Be sure to call me!" She said giving me a silly grin.
" Yeah, yeah..." I said while patting her head. Let's just say I'm taller then most people.
I walked a way from the scene and went out to see that the buses were still there, and still open. I got onto my bus and found a seat that people always avoided because of me. I sat down just a soon as the bus started moving forward. I grabbed my phone and plugged in my head phones and played my music.
Time skip to the house
I walked in through the door only to see that both my parents were standing there. They did not look happy one bit. All of a sudden they both started telling at me. I'm not completely sure because I couldn't understand them but, I think I heard some swears in there. At one point they finally shut thier traps.
" May, your going to a special school" dad said trying to sound calm.
" It's for kids like you May" mom said the same way dad did.
" It a boarding school for girls like you" dad said sounding like he was trying to correct mom.
" You leave right now. Go get ready. You have five minutes before we blow it" mom said.
Ad just like that I went to my room and threw my stuff in my bag. I ran out to the car as fast as I could have. And immediately, we drove away. This day escalated quickly don't ya think. Cause I do... F*** My price of s*** life.
Let us all hope I don't discountinue this story either... Hope...Bye cupcakes- Anime
Word count 1405

РазноеMay has had some trouble with getting along with people. A lot of trouble. She constantly skips classes just to make teachers angry. She often picks on upper class men. But for all those things only one she does most commonly: pulling pranks on cert...