" May, get out of the car right. This. Moment!" Dad grunted as he tried to loosen my grip on the door.
" Sorry, dad!" I yelled clinging on the door as if my life depended on it. " I ain't going to any fancy school where they're no boys and you have to wear a dumb uniform!" I yelled.
" Sasha! Help me get our daughter out of the car!" Dad commanded my mom.
" Don't listen to him, mom!"
" It's for your own good, May! And I know you can pull her out yourself, Chaz!" Mom said turning on the car.
Dad pulled, tugged, and stretched me right out of our car and pulled me into the main school entrance. This was dumb!
I took a look around and all I saw were: smart, curly haired, talkative, naive, perfect, fancy, rich, jerky, bitchy, and so many other words I can't say them all!
" Okay, May, please,please, at least try the new school," dad hugged me. " And don't do anything to get yourself kicked out. You've done that enough already." He winked at me and Left.
I turned and went to the principals office to find out where to get my school supplies, where my locker is, and where I'd be staying.
I knocked on the door and heard a come in, so I opened the door and saw a short, old man sitting behind his desk with a grin stretching from ear to ear.
" Welcome! You must be May Bellwether! Everything you need is in this bag!" He pointed to a yellow bag Infront of him.
I nodded then took the bag and rushed out of the door as soon as soon possible.
I looked in my bag and the first thing is saw was a room key with the number "666".
" I go to Hell's favorite room." I mumbled.
Just to find the room I had to walk up 13 flights of stairs. 50 rooms for each floor, how amusing.
By the time I made to my room I was covered in smelly sweat. I opened the door to find a medium sized room with two beds with white pillow cases and pink sheets, two white drawers next to the beds, a pick and purple rug in the middle of the room, a smallish to medium sized window in-between the drawers, and all four walls covered with candy pink. I never thought that it was possible to hate something as much as I hate this school... Looks like I learn something new everyday, right?
I open the drawer that has nothing on top of it and see nothing in there. I start unpacking my shit in the bottom, middle, and top drawers. As soon as everything is there I look in the bag and find a piece of paper that has my schedule printed on there. I'll now show you my schedule.
Mr. Kingston: 1st hr History
Mrs. Syllabary: 2nd hr Algebra
Mrs. Homee: 3rd hr Science
Mr. Hanable: 4th hr Music
Mr. Tjossem: 5th hr Gym
Ms. Tessca: 6th hr Language Arts
Mr. Rogers: 7th hr Study Hall
Mrs. Felicia: 8th hr Keyboarding
The only bad things about my schedule is that I'm horrible at Math in general and I'm not exactly the best in language arts ,but everything else I'm pretty good at!
I looked into the bag and saw the stupid uniform I had to wear. Once I put it in I looked myself in the wall mirror (A/N isn't that what you call them). It had a brown skirt that was above my knees and had red stripes, the vest was pink and I wore a brown bow and a white undershirt. I hate the fact that I kinda like it... Now I hate myself saying that.
I sat on my bed with the annoyingly cute uniform still on.
That's saying until I heard the door open up, tht must be my roommate!
I shot up form the bed awaiting for the door to open all the way. I can't wait to see the person who I'm going to torment and mess up for the year...
Hey, who's surprised I didn't discontinue this book *raises hand* anyone?! Oh well I did! Because I'm horrible at writing saying that's this is my ... Um I think 12th story including the other books on my other account and not including the drafts which then would make this my 15th fanfic... I just love to write don't I ?!Bye sunflowers - Anime
Word count 755

AcakMay has had some trouble with getting along with people. A lot of trouble. She constantly skips classes just to make teachers angry. She often picks on upper class men. But for all those things only one she does most commonly: pulling pranks on cert...