so Bored

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unfortunately I do not own vampire knight T.T)

"I'm so bored,why it so boring here?",

I sat on my throne, eating peeled grapes my handmaidens served to me. It was really good.

"Well, what with the whole Apollo making his vampires and you making your hunters, everyone's trying to stay on Zeus's good side."

I turned to my best friend, Kikia, goddess of the dark/dishonest path as well as partner in crime. she sat beside me on her ebony black throne which was a stark contrast to my silver throne that shone as bright as the moon. Light glanced off it giving it unearthly, mystical look to it. I sighed heavily and stretched on my throne, arching my elegant back.

"Kikia, come on your the one with the best ideas, entertain your bestest friend before she dies of boredom." I sigh.

"You cannot die from boredom even if you were a mortal, much less an immortal." I reclined back into my chair and accepted another peeled grape as Kikia bounced ideas off me.

"Dear, Kikia you have not lived as long as I have. I assure you it's possible." She scoffed.

"For whatever reason I don't believe you." she said in a monotone voice. I put a hand on my chest.

"I'm hurt. Why would you doubt me?", I pouted. She just rolled her eyes in response.

"I don't know it might be because you lied about that one girl who laughed herself to death."

"Her? She was really laughing, she kept holding her neck and rolling on the ground."

"She was CHOKING!", she exclaimed.

"Details. Details." I waved it off.

"Whatever let's get back to it." Kikia said.

"How about we start a war?", I tapped my armchair for no.

"Trick Bachuus?", tap.

"piss off other gods?", tap.

"Make some mortals build us temples?", tap.

"Annoy Apollo?", I froze.

Brother and I have not seen each other for a millennia much less spoken. Kikia must have remembered this because she began apologizing to me.

"Oh, by my goddess, I had forgotten for a moment that you and Apollo haven't spoken in while.I apologize I did not think---

I held a my hand up, so as to stop her apologizing.

"Oh! What about Cross academy?", she exclaimed, turning the conversation back to what we had been speaking of.

"Cross academy? What is that?"

"It is school...for both humans and vampires!", I sat up straighter at this.

This was most interesting. Once Kikia explained the school to me, I was more than interested, I was excited! I jumped out of my chair and announced,

"Tell Areti to pack up her bags, we are going to Cross academy."
We pulled up to the gates of Cross academy in a limo.

"What do you think the students here will be like?", Areti wondered out loud as we all stepped out of the lime one after another.

She had agreed to come when she had heard of the school. It sounded so interesting. It ws bound to be fun.

"The humans or the vampires?", Kikia asked back.

It might have shocked some- mostly human, but some gods as well- that Kikia and Areti actually got along. They were complete opposites. Kikia was a sadistic,bitchy and was never happy unless everyone else around her was miserable, while Areti was a sweet,caring,compassionate, and calm girl. But they not only got along greatly but they considered themselves best friends and soul-sisters. A soul-sister or blood-brother was the closest people could be without have blood relation. It was stronger than blood. The saying was,

"Blood is thicker than water, but a soul spanned through eternity."

What do you think, Artemis?", they asked in unison turning to me.

" Well, having vampires attending the same school as humans is one way to help them coexist."

I would very much like to know the person who thought such an outrageous, but refreshing idea.

"But how would it help them coexist if the humans know nothing of the fact that the night class are vampires?",

Kikia thought out loud, while tapping her chin. Areti jumped up and exclaimed,"

"Maybe it's not for humans, but for vampires to learn being around humans."

Kikia and I nodded in agreement. I was standing in front of the school, but pushed the gate open, motioning for them for them to enter. Once they had passed through the entrance I moved to join them.

"This will be a good distraction".

The first thing we heard were fan girls. As we drew nearer the squeals grew louder making us all wince. It annoyed me to hear this, not because it was annoying-although it did irk me-no, what annoyed me most was what the reason for these sounds were.(SOUNDS SO DIRTY😆)

We were finally in sight of the cause of the squeals, there was an amazing number of them.

"Stay back! Get back to your dorms! Get back!",

a cute brown haired, brown-eyed girl was trying to push the horde back.'Poor child, having to hold them back by herself. Who would be so cruel as to leave her to these...I have no name for them but for now I will dub them as the horde'.The girls seemed to agree with me on this.

"Poor girl! She can't handle them all by her lonesome!", Areti exclaimed with sympathy. Although Kikia was less understanding.

"I would have those girls begging for me to scold them", Kikia said with amusement. I chuckled at this, 'Same Kikia as always'. She was only nice to me and Areti.

"Kiki! You shouldn't be so cold-hearted!", she exclaimed in a frustrated tone. Kikia crossed her arms over her chest. she looked at her friend with a blank expression.

"That's just the kind of person I am,love." she replied in her usual monotone expression,.

"You don't have to be the way if you just-"

"But I don't want to change, it's too troublesome."

"And another thing if you were a bit nicer you would have found a boyfriend-"

"Like you should be talking! Your nice all the freakin time but where's your boyfriend? Where's he at?", Kikia sneered.

I zoned out after that, I knew that their bickering would be an endless cycle and no one could stop them when they when they went at it. Just because they were the best of friends didn't mean they didn't argue, they were opposites after all. The last time they had a argument it lasted a century, but that was only with the most serious of issues. Instead I turned my attention the poor human girl who was still trying to push them back.

I sighed.'I guess I'll help her out.'

ARTEMIS ( Kaname Kuran) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now