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A/N: Hey thank you for giving this story a chance
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"Oh that's so cute! Let's go in there", Artemis squealed, pulling Yuuki into the bakery. The other girl yelped in surprise but let Artemis lead her into the bakery. The two looked around admiring the decorations on the cakes and cookies. Something caught Artemis's eye, At the center of the bakery was a three feet tall bunny cake. Hearts appeared on Artemis's eyes and her mouth watered. she jumped for it. Yuuki grabbed her waist to keep her from eating the cake whole. Knowing the girl for a few months now she had gotten to know her better and she learned  that she couldn't resist cake. it was her greatest weakness, her kryptonite. She ignored the girl's protests and cries of unfairness. She proceeded to drag her out of the bakery kicking and screaming. She sighed, shaking her head.



Earlier that morning Artemis had flown through her window and landed in a heap on the dorm room floor. She groaned, rubbing her bottom as she stood up. She came face to face with two shocked girls.

"Hey there. Good morning", she waved smiling. Yori's eye twitched.

"It's 3 in the morning. Someone better be dead." She ground out. Yuuki glanced nervously at her. Yori valued her sleep over almost everything. It did not end well when someone tried to wake her up before she was supposed to. Especially on the weekend. Artemis being the idiot she was didn't notice or care about the clear threat Yori made.

"Damn Sasha, she's always so violent." She complained. She leaned closer to the two as if to tell them a secret.
"No wonder she's still single." She whispered. A roar was heard in the distance shaking the whole building. All color drained from Artemis's face when she heard it.

"Meet me outside the gates at 10 Yuuki. See you there!" She yelled before jumping out the window. Both girls gasped running to window expecting to see a splat of Artemis on the concrete. Instead they saw the girl running from a very angry Sasha.

"Artemis! Your dead!", she screamed. Yuuki looked over at Yori.

"I don't need this I'm going back to sleep." Yori yawned and went under her blankets and drifted to sleep. Yuuki sighed and went back to bed. She fell asleep instantly.


"No! Please take me back! I promise I won't eat it just take me back to my bunny", Artemis pleaded, hanging on to Yuuki's leg.

"Artemis-sama we both know that's a lie. You really shouldn't eat so much cake, you'll get sick." Yuuki felt a little bad but she was more afraid of Sasha's wrath. Even Kaname was no where to be found if Sasha was on a rampage.

"Your a big meany, Yuuki!", she yelled before running away.

"Wait Artemis-sama!", Yuuki called out and ran after her. A man that had been about to grab Yuuki lost his chance when she ran after Artemis. He cursed and followed after the two. Artemis smirked as she ran. 'No one touches what's mine' she giggled. She slowed down so Yuuki could catch up. Yuuki was panting, her face was flush and she looked ready to fall over from exhaustion. She rested her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath.

"...Artemis-sama...ah...ah...please...stop", she managed out.

"Yuuki is really cute no wonder Zero likes her so much." She giggled. Yuuki blushed and gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean by that Artemis-sama?", she questioned but Artemis just smiled and walked away.
"Artemis-sama! I'll die if you don't stop." Yuuki panted. Artemis turned around to say something but she was interrupted by someone else.
"Cute. Now what are a couple of pretty girls like you doing here all alone?", a blond haired man who wore all black came up in front of the two girls.
"Uh creepy much? There's literally nothing you could say that would keep me from thinking you're some serial killer right now." Artemis moves to stand in front of Yuuki, shielding her with her small body.

"Serial killer? How vulgar. I provide only pleasure for my return for their blood. Would you girls like to join me?", his eyes glowed red and he flashed his sharp fangs at them. Artemis looked unfazed but Yuuki's eyes widened in horror. She pulled out her weapon and stood in front of Artemis to protect her.

"Your a vampire. I won't let you hurt Artemis-sama." Yuuki's mahogany eyes were determined as she stared down the vampire. She would protect Artemis-sama the same way Kaname had protected her 10 years ago.

"Your certainly not a vampire hunter, little girl. I guess you'll be my appetizer. Your blood smells delicious. I can't wait to sink my fangs into you." He sped to them so fast it was a blur. Yuuki felt someone push her and she landed roughly on the concrete ground. She groaned and sat up. 'Artemis!' She looked to see Artemis standing in front of the vampire with her arms out as if to welcome him into a hug. He bit her neck and blood flowed thick and scarlet from her wound.
"Artemis-sama!", Yuuki cried out. She tried to get up but Artemis held up a hand.
"Yuuki. RUN!", she yelled. Yuuki shook her head.
"No I won't leave you Artemis-sama!", she yelled back. She winced as she stood up, glancing down at her bleeding arm.

"You idiot get out of here and get help. Don't be selfish right now I'm bleeding out here" She said calmly, wrapping her arms around the vampire, holding him in place. He struggled but she didn't give in. She ignored the excessive amount of blood she was losing and made a shooing gesture to Yuuki. The girl in question was crying as she took a step back and then another. She turned around and ran back to Cross academy for help.

Once she was out of sight Artemis turned her attention back to the struggling vampire in her arms. She let him go and he coughed out her blood.

"Ugh! That's disgusting. You taste like rotten meat." He wipes the blood off with his sleeve. Artemis smirked.

"Now that we're alone I can stop pretending." Her eyes glowed silver.

To be continued...

A/N: I really had fun writing this please tell me what you think or who your favorite character is so far. Until next time lovelies (;

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