eight victims

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Everyone violently flung Yuta's dish at each other after Jaehyun's exit, making Taeyong sink to his knees. Hit after hit, all he could think about was cleaning the monstrous disaster after. It didn't occur to him that he was being smothered in misfires because of how deep in thought he was.

"Those three idiots are cleaning this up," the leader grumbled, pulling at his hair only to stain it from the liquid found in the food. The fact that he had to shower and handwash all of his clothes made him more pissed.

Donghyuck noticed his leader's discomfort when he accidentally threw the last of his paste onto his head. He awkwardly coughed then turning to Winwin to tell him that they should leave before Taeyong explodes. One by one, they filed out of the room until it was just Hansol, who was clutching his stomach to try and keep the food from coming up, and a silently crying Taeyong.

"You're getting a lecture tonight!" he screamed once he snapped back into reality. "Don't worry, bud. You're excused." Taeyong finished after noticing the older fellow hunched over in the corner. Hansol gave him a thumbs up with a pained expression.

Donghyuck entered the room sheepishly with a bucket that was full to the brim with items. "I got your favorite cleaning supplies," he said, placing it beside Hansol's weeping body. "So you're going to help me clean up?" Taeyong asked with a slight smile.

The mischievous boy scoffed and crossed his arms. "Don't get your hopes up." And with that, he left. Taeyong muttered about how he should've known before slipping on a pair of bright pink rubber gloves.

As the dining table began to shine from how aggressively he scrubbed, Yuta walked into the filthy space while whistling. "You missed a spot." he pointed out before accidentally spilling the mush bucket all over the floor.

It took every ounce of his body to not murder the Japanese boy with the poison-stained rag because it would've meant that there would be more to clean up. So Taeyong sighed and continued to scrape the poor excuse of dinner off of the ceiling.

Proudly, Yuta walked out with a smirk, knowing he won this round.

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