hospital time

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The tour continued, and I sung at every concert, with the fighter, and before I knew it, I was trending. Carrie had to go back home and meanwhile I'm staying with Marilyn, Twiggy, Pogo, and Daisy. Two other members of the band. Daisy is honestly really adorable and shy, Pogo is really nice.

"Hey, Marilyn!" I called to Marilyn, who was somewhere on the tour bus.
"Yeah!" he called with a cough, I sighed and got up walking over to him, he was in the bathroom.
"so... Tomorrow is your last show huh?" I said in an awkward tone.
"mmhm" he said after putting the blunt out.
I nodded a bit and he kissed my cheek.
"I know what your thinking Belle" he said
"This was just a one time thing and your probably right, there's something I haven't told you" he said
"I have a girlfriend, she's back in California. I-ive been planning to break up with her, to be with you" he said.

I stood there in complete shock, he is cheating on me, using me!

"So you've been using me!" I yell and see Twiggy raising an eyebrow
"No, Belle" he said
"Then why! Why haven't you broken up with her if you love me so much! If you want me!" I cried and felt so much rage, this all was a distorted fairy tale.
"Would you just Fucking listen!" he yelled, obviously angry, and without thinking I slapped him, hard across the face. His fist met my stomach and then pushed me back. My head hit the wall and I was dazed.

I heard Twiggy yelling at him to stop and I ran out the bus door, I just ran until I was in an alley, I sunk down on the cement ground and cried my eyes out. Pounding my fists against the ground until they were purple and bloody.

I bashed my head against the wall with a scream of rage and passed out cold.


I woke up slowly, seeing a light above me. The familiar smell of a hospital surrounded me and I looked around. I was in a hospital. I saw Marilyn right next to me, his head in his hands.

"M-Marilyn?" I whispered and I his head popped up.
"Belle, I'm so sorry" He said leaning over to me.
"What happened?" I asked and sat up.
"It's best if we don't talk about that" he chuckled slightly rubbing my head.
"what about the concert?" I asked
"I cancelled it, to stay here with you" he said
"You didn't have to do that" I say back with a shaky breath
"But I wanted to dear" he said and kissed my forehead.
"You... Did that for me?" I asked a bit shocked
"Of course, I care about you"

I felt my eyes start to water a bit. Maybe he did care

"I broke up with her" he said "now I can be with you forever" he chuckled and rubbed my head. I smiled softly
"Forever huh?" I laugh slightly
"Yep!" he said and kissed me softly.


The tour was over and I was with him at the airport. He was leaving, going back home to California, and I'll be here in Ohio...

Tears fell down my cheeks as he hugged me,

"You can call me..." he choked slightly on a sob
"I will... Everyday" I cry into his shoulder, taking in his familiar smell, the only thing I will miss is him.
"I have to go... I'm sorry " he said and let go of me, he quickly turned around and went up the ramp to board the flight

You're So Vain (Marilyn Manson Fanfic(Where stories live. Discover now