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Everything I wanted to keep was packed up. Marilyn persuaded me to keep the kinky supplies, for future times of fun. He waited for me downstairs, I was in my room, looking at the black walls, the room I've cried, masturbated, cut, and done drugs in all in one year. I'll miss the place in a way, except for the blood stains I was unable to get out from the bed. I picked up the small box of my precious belongings and made my way downstairs.

He stood up and wrapped an arm around me.
"Ready to go?" He asked in my ear and I smiled
"Ready as I'll ever be"

He smiled and we got into his car, I threw my box in the back and hopped into the small Honda. He started the car and for miles we stayed silent

"Is it OK if I call you Brian?" I ask him
"Yeah, I mean thats my real name, so since we're dating yes " he laughed slightly
"Can you tell me one of your poems" I asked

I knew he had several poems that he had written earlier in his life, and I wanted him to tell me one of them.

"Really? Well sure" he chuckled and thought a moment
"The telephone" and he began the amusing poem.

He finished it and smiled
"now you sing me something" he said.
"ugh... Fine" I sigh and begin a different song I named Out of Hell.

Towards the end of that song I can feel tears slowly. It in a way had examples of my life. Marilyn's gentle hand wiped the tears off my cheek.

"That was beautiful" he said with a warning smile.
"thanks... " I mutter slightly and my stomach growled. Yeah I haven't eaten in a few days.
"Wanna get McDonald's?" I asked him and he nodded
"Sounds good Boo. I'm getting junk food and by that I mean, ice cream and cookies"
"I need chocolate!" I exclaimed and that made him laugh as we pulled in to the drive thru.

"Hi! Welcome to McDonald's what can I get you today!" the person on the mic said
"Hi um well get 6 cookies and two large mcflurrys, one Oreo and the other vanilla" he said
"that'll be  $10.56" she said and we pulled up to the window
"How'd you know I wanted Oreo" I asked with a smile.
"I know things" he smirked cocking an eyebrow.

A woman with long flowing brown hair opened the window and almost choked

"Brian!" she exclaimed with complete and utter disbelief
"Oh hey Tiffany" he said with a rather nervous look

Oh gods what now....

You're So Vain (Marilyn Manson Fanfic(Where stories live. Discover now