Euthanasia. What the heck does that mean?

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I'm awoken by the unpleasant sound of screeching cats and howling dogs.

Where in the world am I?

Through the closed bars of my cramped cage, I looked down a long, dimly lit hallway lined with other cats and dogs trapped in their own seperate cages. What is this place? It must be some sort of "Animal prison."

At one end of the hallway there was a large door with a window at the top. Through the window there was a sign that read, "Los Angeles Animal Control"

On the other end of the hallway there was a quite scary looking door that read, "Euthanasia" What the heck is that? It's not like animals understand English or anything crazy like that.

Every once in a while I would see innocent animal get forcefully dragged in there. They never came back. I just assumed they got adopted or something. Maybe this was my chance to finally have a real home.

Two days later

I've only eaten once, and it wasn't much food. They made sleep on a thin, dirty blanket. I saw animals come and go, wondering when it would be my turn.

One of the workers, who's name tag read "Alex" walked be my cage and stopped abruptly. He turned to face me and bent down so he was at my level.

"Hey little guy, now it's your turn..."

He opened up my cage and grabbed me with his large hands. He held me so tight that I could hardly breathe. He began walking toward the "Euthanasia" room. As he got closer, I got a good view of the inside. A table sat in the middle of a bare room. To the left, there was a cart with a sharp looking object sitting on it. It was so pointy that it looked as if it could puncture through skin.

I quickly realized that this was no adoption center.

He opened the door and set me down on the table. Alex turned his back and before the door could close all the way, I hopped off the table and raced toward the nearly closed door. I squeezed myself through the small crack and darted down the all too familiar hallway.

Luckily, I was so small that I could hide in a small space between the end of a cage and the wall next to the door on the other side of the hallway. Hoping that no one would spot my hiding spot. Alex ran down the hallway and I sunk deeper down into my hideout. While the door was closing behind him, I ran through and quickly curled up under a chair out in the "waiting room." I scooted myself closer to the door leading outside. It seemed to take hours before someone finally came in, looking for a lost pet. I managed to sneak outside while the workers were busy helping the man. I secretly thanked him for opening the door, and ran down the sidewalk as fast my little legs would carry me. Making sure to avoid the pedestrians stepping all around me.

At last, I made it to my favorite park. I spotted two guys sitting on a bench. They looked nice enough. One was a tall, muscular blonde, and the other was a small brunette. I snuck behind their legs, hoping they would stay put long enough for me to take a catnap without getting caught.


I overheard part of their conversation...

"Hey Scott, we need to film Superfruit today."

"Crap, I totally forgot, we should do a Q&A."

"I'm fine with that."

"Mitch, I've been thinking, I really want a pet."

"I thought you were allergic to the hair?"

"I am, but what if we got something that didn't shed a lot, like one of those hairless cats."

"I'll think about it, it would be kind of cool to have a pet, but its not just like we can go out and buy a pet whenever we feel like it. But those sphinx cats are really cute."

"Queen Mitchy is right about that."

Hey everyone! Don't worry, the chapters will gradually get longer. I hope you keep reading! <3

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