Mark, bad ass bad boy in the school. Not interested in good girls. Emily, new transfer student. Studies hard, doesn't focus on boys. Top ranking student. Two completely different people, suddenly become friends. Eat lunch together. Have the s...
I was still shocked! I felt like just dying because of him. I couldn't even deal with it. When class ended me and Mark went to go get our assigned topic. I felt like he was just staring at me the whole time, not paying attention to the teacher.
Teacher|~"Ok. Emily and Mark. Your topic will be about the process of a child." *giggles at the topic* Emily|~"W-w-what is the topic? Process of a c-c-child? So like..." Mark|~"Yes oh my god! Sex! Right! Basically our project is about sex, right teacher."
Emily and their teacher froze from his sudden explanation.
Teacher|~*shyly* "Yes....basically I guess. It's about the process of a baby or child, so yes. Baby making if you will. Good luck." Emily|~"Can we possibly have another topic?" Teacher|~"I'm sorry. It's the last topic. You guys are the last to pick, so....too bad. Well I gotta go to a meeting. See you Monday. Had a great weekend."
Their teacher leaves the classroom, leaving Emily and Mark in the room alone. Mark just kept on glaring at Emily. Mark|~" when do you wanna meet up to work on our project?" Emily|~"I can today after school....maybe. Hold on. Let me check my schedule. *takes out phone and checks her schedule after school after school*
Mark POV
I watched her take out her phone...she looked cute. Her eyes lit up when the glare from her phone reflected in her eyes. What was this my chest? doesn't mean anything. Then she looked up at me with her big, dark, brown eyes...... Emily|~*while waving her hand in his face* "Hello?! Earth to Mark?! Do you read?!" Mark re-focused and stuttered..."Uh....what did you say? You were taking too long I dozed off. I was staring into your eyes for too long Emily|~"I said...! Yes! I'm available to work after school." Mark|~" house after school then. Front gate after school, got it? Good ok...bye." *suddenly leaves room* Emily|~"Wait-what-where-why? Ugh!! This friggin jerk is gonna make the project even harder hand it already is!!!
School ended and I went to the front gate. I saw no one until I walked farther and saw a guy on his phone, with a black mask....with his messy, soft-looking, good-looking hair....UH! Why did I even bring that up?!
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He looked up and we made eye contact. I felt his strong gaze scan me and he walked up towards me. I also started to walk until we met in the middle. Mark|~"What took you forever?! I should me waiting for you not the other way around. *turns around and starts walking* *stops and turns back around* "Are you coming or not?!" Emily|~*shocked and stammered* "Ah.....yea I am......." *starts following his lead*
Emily had to run just to catch up with him. His long legs were takin one step while Emily was taking two-three.
After 10 minutes a silent walking we arrived at his "house".............
If you consider a huge ass friggin mansion fit to fill all the homeless population in Africa, a house......then yes......just a house.