Chapter 14: Spotting Lies and Feigning Pain

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A/N: You have every right to be upset with me. I need to write more than I do. T~T

With my leg stinging, and I myself feeling exhausted from the street fighting practice (which Gladiolus says my style is a combination of several techniques), I ended up taking a nap. You can say whatever you want about naps being for little kids and blah blah blah, but I like sleep, okay? Besides, I deserved it – I had to deal with a sexist giant.

Ironically, that's who woke me up.

"Hey, Lulu." Gladiolus shook me gently awake.

I sigh. "I hate that nickname..."

The giant just laughs. "Come on, the others are back." He pauses, then adds, "Do you feel alright?"

I sit up, frowning. "No... why do you ask?"

"Just wondering," he answers quickly, standing up.


"I didn't–" he starts, frowning.

"Your answer was quick, you moved away, and you didn't look at me." I don't see the point in beating around the bush.

Of course, I also have no social skills whatsoever. The way Gladiolus stays silent after I pointed out the lie reminded me that not many people can really handle my blunt answers...

"Where'd you learn to become a human lie detector?" he voice is casual, but clearly forced.

"Reasons." I grit my teeth, then repeat the initial question: "Why do you ask?"

He sighs, and finally faces me. "I came in earlier. You were shaking pretty badly and breathing kinda heavily. You didn't seem to be feeling well, so I thought it'd be best to let you sleep longer..."

I feel as though my insides are shriveling up, but I decide to just pretend. "Probably just a random little cold. I feel fine, but thanks anyway."

He nods, seeming more at ease. "The others are here, so you might want to get up." Finally, he leaves me in peace.

That was really close - I'd prefer if no one found out about that...

Finally leaving the safety of my room, I'm greeted by a quizzical look from Four-Eyes.

"I believe we left you behind to rest?" I know how to spot a rhetorical question... "From what I've heard, you didn't rest much."

I lift my chin up defiantly, crossing my arms. "Don't a majority of doctors recommend exercising to relieve stiffness?"

"Are you suggesting last night was nothing more than a stiff leg?" Ignis questions, adjusting his glasses.

"I think I'd no better than anyone else, considering you can't feel my pain for me," I answer, raising my eyebrow.

"I can't feel it, but I can estimate based on your reaction, and last night seemed more painful than just a stiff leg - not to mention, very interesting timing..."

I glare at him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were accusing me of feigning injury..."

"Wouldn't be surprised." Ah, yes, the prince. Always butting in when he should be minding his own business.

"She couldn't have been faking it," Prompto pipes up suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Ignis asks.

"Well, Lulu doesn't really cry, but she looked ready to..." it's a weak excuse, of course. Real evidence doesn't come from "I just know."

Gladiolus shrugs. "She was fine earlier, so I don't think there's much in arguing over it."

I sigh, already tired of the conversation, and turn to go.

I'm forgetting something...

"Lullaby, one more minute, please."

I stop and turn to face Ignis again, curious as to what he might have to say. He walks up to me, and holds out a mass of black fabric. As I accepted the knitted fabric curiously, it unfurls, revealing my sweater, the ripped sleeve now sewn seamlessly shut.

"I decided to have it repaired. I know you don't enjoy others seeing them-" in reference to the scars - "and thought them less likely to be seen if the wrist didn't always fold open."

I hold my sweater tightly, feeling my safety blanket back in my possession. "Thank you for this," I say quietly, the words strange in my mouth. I'll admit, I've never really been grateful before, other than to the kind librarian who shares her lunch with me whenever I happen visit on a Saturday... Not many people will show acts of kindness to "street rats."

"By the way, did you ever attend school?" he asks suddenly.

I hesitate – not just because I'm suspicious as to where this is going, but also because I had to homeschool before I finally ran away... so, no, I never went to school...

Ignis nods, seeming to come to the conclusion on his own. "Alright, we start tomorrow."

"P-pardon?!" I exclaim.

He just gives me a small smile. "First, we'll have to see how much you know. I'll stop by the library on the way back tonight if it's still open.

Without another word, I turn, march back to my room, close the door behind me, and practically crash into bed again.

I've decided I'm not getting up tomorrow...


A/N: Ironically, I'm writing on a Friday night...

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Let me give you a quick summary of what's been happening:

School, Life, School, School, Family, Life, School, School, School, SCHOOL....

The song goes "I've loved you for a thousand years." Whenever I hear that, I always just think "what a waist of time - you could've been sleeping instead."

Seriously, I need to sleep - I just spent three hours writing a chapter that isn't even that long.

Before I go, I do have a real question: should I write more stories to try and have at least one thing updated a week?

Normally, I try to finish projects before starting another one, but it doesn't look like this is going to be finished very soon, so I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Thanks, and have a great morning/day/evening/night! >^w^<

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