Chapter 20: We're Going on a Trip, but No Rocket Ship

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A/N: I had to, I couldn't resist... please don't kill me...


When I finally wake up, warm light bleeds through my eyelids, forcing me to open them greet the sun. Sitting up, I can confirm that I'm lying on the mattress on the floor in my room, the raggedy ((Anne //smacked)) blanket falling away. I raise my left hand up to my eyes, still heavy from sleep, and notice the stiff bandages wrapping it. Looking at my other hand, noticing it's in the same circumstance; it doesn't take a genius to figure my feet (which had been in worse shape) probably look the same.

Looking at the window, I feel somewhat dazed, my joints especially stiff this... afternoon? Early afternoon, actually - I think? I haven't felt this drained in a while.

"Lulu...?" a soft voice calls as the door creaks open.

I turn, noticing the bright blue eyes and golden blonde hair. "Prompto...?"

He grins, opening the door the rest of the way and stepping inside completely. "Morning! I just came to check and see if you were still asleep. I didn't wake you up, did I?"

I shake my head. "Don't worry, I was already awake."

His grin broadens, then shrinks as he gently grabs my hands, examining them. "You must've been pretty tired - you didn't react at all while Ignis was taking care of all those cuts... Do they hurt...?"

I shake my head again. "Just stiff right now."

"Feet too?"


His grin returns, and he quickly pulls me up, the blanket falling away completely. "The others are here too – hurry up and get ready."

"Wait, what's going on?" I call as he rushes towards the door, leaving me standing on the mattress, confused.

"We're going out - now hurry up!" With that, he closes the door.

I sigh, then turn my attention to the bags of clothes... Okay, seriously, I need to sort these into the crates as soon as I have free time. Outside of that though, I have... a dark red t-shirt with a black lace skull on the front, and navy skinny jeans with fake pockets - wait, those are jeggings... However, getting my feet through the legs prove to be a challenge - they go from slight throbbing, to extremely painful. In the end, I put them aside and grab a pair of navy bootcuts instead.

Once I'm sure my arms are safely covered by the sweater, I walk out slowly, wary of my tender feet, and carrying my platforms by their laces in my left hand. Sure enough, the others are standing (or sitting, in Noctis' case) around the table. Wait, why is that still here...?

Ignis is first to speak - but not to me. "Noct, her feet will take time to heal - she must stay here."

"If everyone's careful, then she'll be fine," the prince replied calmly.

"Your faith is appreciated," I cut in smoothly, walking up to where they were gathered. "It's not the first time I've messed up like this - I'll be fine; promise."

He quickly gets up, guilt written all over his face, and I remember the blonde saying he blamed himself for last night. "Lullaby, I-"

I quickly cut him off. "It's fine, we all make mistakes," I glance at Prompto from the corner of my eye, and he grins knowingly. "Friends don't hold grudges."

The grin he gives me says everything starts from the beginning. Hopefully, I can now talk to him without starting some kind of conflict

"Lullaby, please understand that I simply wish-" Ignis begins.

"Come on, Iggy - Lulu's a strong girl," Gladiolus cuts in. "She'll be fine as long as she's careful."

"That might not be possible," the intellect states. "My apologies, but she isn't very cautious."

Prompto is next, coming up and slinging an arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry, I can keep an eye on her!" he grins happily.

I don't think that's entirely necessary, but then again, babysitting frustrates me (which must explain the bad attitude that I'll be trying to change).

"Where are we going, exactly?" I finally get my question out in the open.

"You didn't tell her?" Gladiolus raises an eyebrow at the blonde beside me.

"Uh, well, I may have missed that detail when we spoke..." he chuckles nervously, backing away.

Suddenly, the larger man lunges, grabbing Prompto and holding him in a headlock. I watch, amused, as the smaller boy struggles uselessly against the hold, shouting incoherently. I raise an eyebrow at Noctis and Ignis, slightly confused by the way they're watching the show calmly.

In reply to my gaze, the prince shrugs. "It's normal. If they don't break apart in a minute, I'll stop them."

So, I was right when I guessed it wasn't the first time after he mentioned it last night... As I turn back to the commotion, the tattooed man finally releases his victim, the latter gasping dramatically. "I thought I was going to die!"

I raise my hand to my mouth and snort, trying to contain my laughter. "You okay?"

He turns to me with a mock pout. "No, Gladio almost killed me!"

I roll my eyes, still smiling, but decide to continue on. "Now, about this outing?"

Noctis walks up beside me smiling. "I think we'll leave it as a surprise."

I don't think I like this surprise trip, considering last time was a long shopping trip - and this one probably won't include a rocket ship.

And no, I did not mean for that to rhyme.


Would've uploaded sooner, but life decided to dump me in a hell hole, and I'm still looking for the exit. Luckily, writing will always be at hand so long as I have my favorite notebook and a pencil - or my laptop.

If any of you play Pokemon Sun and/or Moon, you might like to know that I have a Gladion x Reader titled Numbskull!

Or, if you like Final Fantasy VII, I have... numerous stories that you can check out. XD

Sis: You write too much.

Me: Actually, I don't write enough.

Sis: -_-

Continuing on! Before I log off for now, I have one thing to say.

Please, for the love of God, explain what the hell happened here, and why they have a moogle plushie?!

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Please, for the love of God, explain what the hell happened here, and why they have a moogle plushie?!


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