Mike Fuentes Imagine

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Mike Fuentes:

Your POV:

"Y/N baby, it meant nothing, I love you so much" my boyfriend of 2 years tries pleading to me. "NO MIKE, THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I HAVE CAUGHT YOU WITH HER, I've had enough!" You yell.
"W-what are you s-saying?" Mike asks hastily.
"I'm saying.. We're done. I'm taking a suitcase and I'll go stay somewhere else until I come back for the rest of my stuff" I stand up straight when I say it to show I am being serious.
I march upstairs and start packing an overnight bag.
You see, I came home from work early to spend the afternoon with Mike, when I came home, there was clothes on the floor. Female and male. Those female clothes were sure as hell not mine!
Who will I stay with though?

I flip out my phone and scroll through my contacts.. Ah perfect.
I press on the contact and wait patiently.
"Hello?" My closest friend says.
"Hey, Kellin"
"Oh hey Y/N! What's up?!" Kellin answers. Yes Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With sirens. I've been best friends with him since I was like 7.
"Not now Kells, I'll explain when I get there"
"Okay babe, see you sooooon!" He cheers and hangs up.
I sigh and lug my suitcase down the stairs.
I see Mike on the couch with his head in his hands weeping silently.
"You brought this on yourself" I say with no emotion. But inside I was dying, I didn't want to leave. But it was for the best.
"Don't go" Mike croaks out. He slowly stands up and makes his way towards me. I hold my hand up to stop him.
"Goodbye Mike" I say walking towards the door.
"At least tell me where you're going so I know you're safe!" He pleads.
I sigh deeply. "Kellin's"
And with that, I walk out the door, hop into my car and drive to Kellin's house, I turn my stereo on and the first thing that starts playing is pierce the veils album 'Collide with the sky'
I start to sob. Tears streaming down my face. Why did he have to cheat?!

Soon enough, I pull up to Kellin's house and get out of my car.
I trudge up the 3 steps onto his front porch. Before I could even knock the door swings open and Kellin is standing there with a big grin on his face, which soon falls as he sees my face. "What happened!?" He asks. I shake my head and just drop to the ground crying.
"Oh Y/N" Kellin says sympathetically. He bends down and scoops up my shaking body, bringing me inside and putting me on his sofa. He plops down next to me and pulls me into a much needed hug. Smoothing down my hair and whispering reassuring words into my hair.
I calm down and tell Kellin what happened. "M-mike, he ch-cheated a-again" I say sniffling. "That bastard!" Kellin yells. I flinch a little at his sudden change in tone, when he sees me scared his face softens as he embraces me again. "He'll never hurt you again" he says kissing my head.

Mike's POV:

Why did I have to be so stupid?! Why did I have to cheat on her with that slut!
I want her back. I want my baby Y/N back.
I need her hugs, I need her intelligence, I need her beauty. I need her.
Deciding to let her cool off for the rest of the day, I slowly walk up the stairs to our- my room and lay down on the bed.
Maybe a few hours sleep will clear my head.

*in the morning*

I wake up and decide that I'm gonna get my girlfriend back. After doing all the essentials and I look pretty decent.
I get into my car and start the journey to Kellin's house.

As soon as I get there I jog up to his front door and knock.
The door opens slowly to a pissed off looking Kellin.
Uh oh.
"What do you want?!" He yells.
"I want to speak to Y/N" I say sternly.
"Pfft as if I would let-"
"I-it's okay Kellin, I can do this" a voice is heard from behind Kellin.
Kellin sighs and runs his hand through his hair, he turns around and gives Y/N a big hug before walking away into the house.
"What are you doing here Mike" she says sadly.
"Just here me out please" I beg.
Y/N sighs but nods motioning for me to go on.
I take a deep breath and begin.
"Y/N I love you so much, I miss you when you're at work, I know that is no excuse and what I did was absolutely stupid. But it will never happen again, I deleted that whore off of my phone, and everything. You're the best girlfriend I've ever had. I would take a bullet for you Y/N, you are my world. You're my second half. I'm so lost without you. Please forgive me, I know I don't deserve it, but I'm asking for us to start again, I love you" my eyes start tearing up a bit.

Your POV:

"I love you" Mike finishes. I tear up and throw my arms around his neck. "I love you so much Mikey" I cry. He hugs me back and kisses my hair. "I love you baby girl" he says back.
"Will you come home with me?" He says again. "Of course" I answer.

After our hug, I go back inside and grab my suitcase and thank Kellin for everything. He tells me to be careful and hugs me.
Mike and I make our way to his car, deciding I'll just get Kellin to drop it off.

Later that night, Mike and I made up for the fight we had, it was very fun *if you know what I mean*
"This better be the last time you cheat" I say breathlessly.
"It will be baby, I promise" Mike says kissing my cheek. I smile as cuddle up to my boyfriend.
It better be. I drift off into a peaceful sleep with my love by my side.

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