Tony Perry Imagine for Bailey:

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Bailey's POV:

I didn't remember much, I remember the pain when they were beating me, I remember seeing his fist fly towards my face. I didn't know who they were, what they wanted. Maybe they just did it because they felt like it. They left me here for dead about half an hour ago, my vision isn't focused, everything I see is blurred.

I see the outline of a body, the street lights glow behind him making him look like an angel. Was I dead? "Excuse me, can you hear me? Hello, are you alright?" the angel says. I don't answer, not because I don't want to but because I physcially can't. All I can taste is blood.

I feel a pair of arms lift me up from the ground and carry me somewhere. Maybe to heaven. That would be nice. The person lies me down on a bed I think. It's a male, I can tell by the voices. Or should I say, voices?

Tony's POV:

It's such a beautifful night to take a walk. It wasn't hot but it also wasn't cold. Just perfect weather. Well it was perfect until I heard a scream. I didn't even think before I started running towards the sound, it guided me to an alleyway. Just as I reached it two guys came out of the alley and started sprinting in the opposite direction.

"HEY!" I yell, but they were already gone. I jog down the alley to find a girl, she looked about my age but with blood stains all over her.

"Excuse me, can you hear me? Hello, are you alright?" I try talking to her but it seems as though she is physically uncapable of speaking with all the blood in her mouth. I scoop her up in my arms and walk back towards the bus where the guys were.

Once the rest of the guys see me they bombard me with questions.

"What the fuck man, what happened?!" Jaime says.

"Who is that?" Mike asks.

"I'll get the first aid kit!" Vic says running off. I lie her down on my bunk, she isn't unconcious but she's just staring into space. Vic comes back with the first aid kit and I take it from him. I get a wet cloth and wipe away the blood that smeared her face and arms, I cleaned up a cut on her face and got her to rinse out her mouth with water.

Tears start pouring out of the girls eyes and I wrap my arms around her. "You're safe now, it's okay, what's your name?" I ask softly. "B-Bailey" she stutters out. "Bailey, do you know the guys who did this?" I say. She shakes her head.

Bailey's POV:

I look at Tony carefully, and then at his friends. "Are you pierce the veil?" I ask. Tony smiles and nods. "How could I have not noticed? You guys are amazing and thank you for saving me" I say gratefully. I'd probably be dead right now if it wasn't for Tony.

"No problem" Tony smiles. Vic, Mike, Jaime, Tony and I all sit and watch a movie. I've gotten to know all of them and I offered to leave but they insisted that I stay. Especially Tony.

I think we were watching star wars, Tony' s choice. I was sitting in between Vic and Tony. I feel Tony move a bit then his arm slowly wrapping around me. I smile and move closer to him.

"Guys I have a crazy idea!" Jaime says jumping up. We all look at him surprised by his sudden outburst. "What?" we  all say simultaneously. "BAILEY SHOULD COME ON TOUR WITH US!" Jaime yells.

"Oh no, no I really don't want to get in the way" I say standing up. "Nope, it's offical Bailey you are coming on tour with pierce the veil" Tony says. "Now we'll just go to your house, get your stuff" Mike says,

"Uh, I don't have a home" I say nervously. "ALL THE MORE REASON WHY YOU SHOULD COME" Jaime yells. "Dammit Hime, stop yelling!" Mike says rubbing his head. Tony hugs me tightly and then Vic joins in, so does Jaime and then Mike. This could be good for me. Finally off the streets.

And a new friendship.


I hope you liked it bailey!


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