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She had a massive headache when she woke up. The first thing she registered when she gained her consciousness was that she was still in her party dress. Her mascara was probably smudged and was really irritating her eyes; her hair was fuzzy, her elegant bun being undone. She was still in her strapless dark blue dress which very irritatingly at that moment, clung on to her like their is no tomorrow. The worse part was that she had fallen asleep with her favourite dark hue leather boots on.

She, then noticed the all too familiar surrounding otherwise known as her room which was very different from the last place she remembered being at. A glass of water and a tablet of aspirin laid on her bedside table along with a note that read "Noona~ you drank too much, now you can't even come to see our band practice. Dad will be furious if he finds out, so be clear of him. I kept water and aspirin. See you~".

She sighed as she read the note, clearly ashamed of herself. She took off her boots and delicately placed them on the floor. She took the aspirin and pop it inside her mouth along with the water, making her realize how sappy her mouth actually was. She lazily went to freshen up, after which she wore her- oh so comfortable- pink rabbit pyjamas.

She dialed an all too familiar number, ringing only once and immediately answered in a sappy voice reserved for mocking, as if her call had been anticipated for quite a long while- "Why didn't you tell me you were bi? Someone decided Hallowe'en came early this year and became a Katy Perry".

"Stop sprouting nonsense, Ronnie! What are you even talking about? Isn't she the singer of that song...?" the caller scowled, clearly confused and very much annoyed by the vague images of the night before and the receiver's obvious mockery.

"Which song?" she could hear the smirk in Saeron's voice, as if challenging her.

"Something like 'I kissed a girl', right" she muttered, after trying to muster her brain cells to work.

"You sure did. The question still arises though- did you like it?", she said in an all too nonchalant voice.

It took a minute to register what Saeron said, she started to panic when she did. She couldn't have, she possibly couldn't. She had never even kissed a guy, it was her first kiss. Also..., she's not the type to drunk kiss..., right??? Her brain, pulse and heart exploded at the leak of the same information. She still hasn't left her anime world. What was happening?

It seemed like Saeron could sense her hyperbolic reaction for she continued- "If it makes you feel any better, I think you were aiming for her boyfriend".

Boyfriend? Was Saeron kidding her? How can hearing she kissed a girl who has a boyfriend when in actually she was aiming for 'the boyfriend' make her feel better? God, why didn't she get killed?

"She had a boyfriend? Why didn't he stop me? Should I get a big cardboard box to wear till I graduate? Do you think my parents will agree to ship me to Alaska? Or to the moon...?" she rambled on, mentally beating herself up. How dumb can she get?

"Calm down girl" Saeron whistled.

"Why didn't you stop me?" she sighed.

"You kinda ran off. Don't worry, I only caught a glimpse of him, but I can totally tell he's cute. Totally worth it, if he was at the other end of the kiss" she giggled. Was she serious? Why was she giggling? Is she happy that her best friend kissed a stranger?

"Well, that's the last I'll be seeing them, hopefully!"

But boy~ could Yuri be any more wrong???

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