Chapter BigMeatyClaws {Jojis P.O.V}

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{I made the picture for this chapter, full credit to the person who did the base, I know it's shitty.}

 "Hey, it's time to get up, the bar is closing." Someone said shaking me. That didn't help considering I have a fucking pounding headache.

I sat up and there were almonds and shit stuck to my face I wiped them off. It was early in the morning. Chad and Max didn't even wake me up after I passed out,"Get out, were closing." The janitor said,"Can-Can I uh use your guy's phone to call someone?" I was still hungover from last night. I couldn't stand straight. 

"Yeah, make it quick." I thanked him silently and went over to the phone, I tried calling Chad but he wasn't answering, I sighed. I didn't have enough money for a cab. That means the only other person there is, is Ian... I don't even know if he has a car. 

I put in his phone number. It rung a couple times. 

"Hello?" He answered.  

"Hey- Uh Ian can you.. Come pick-pick me up?" I was so tired and my head hurt like a motherfucker. "Um sure, where are you at?" 

"Um, Illusions Bar..." I said drifting off. "You're underage to be drinking Joji, what the fuck."

I didn't want to explain to him so early. "Yeah-yeah I know just... I have a pounding headache right now can you just get me and take me home, I'll explain to you about it later... Please?" 

He sighed frustratedly,"Okay." He then hung up. 

I looked to the janitor,"A-are the restrooms still available?" he nodded. 

I quickly walked to the bathroom crashing into tables and shit. When I reached a stall I began puking all that alcohol and nuts out. It was disgusting.

~{Ians P.O.V (WhoaImCool)}~

I parked my jeep, turning off the ignition and getting out going into the bar, no one but the janitor was out,"Is he in the bathroom." I asked him, he nodded and continued sweeping. 

I opened the men's room door and Joji was just laying on the floor. I lend him a hand, helping him up. I kept him up and steadied as I walked him out the bathroom door.

"I better not see you or your other friends back here again. I know you and Max are both underaged." The janitor said,"I'll make sure." I said to him.

I opened the door and walked to my jeep. I helped Joji into the passenger side. 

I got in on the drivers' side and started the car. I put it in reverse backing out. 

"You do know I'm disappointed with you, Joji." I say driving towards his house," I know.." he mumbled. "I'm sorry." He said looking down at his lap. "It's fine I know it wasn't entirely you." I stopped at a red light and looked over at Joji. 

"How many times have you gone out and drank?" I asked him,"Erm, like... Eight... Seven..." He mumbled. "That isn't good for you." I looked back to the road and started driving when the light turned green. "I know." He said. I felt him still looking at me. "Do you drink or does your friend Max force you to?" I asked curiously. "I drink myself, but sometimes he forces me only if were challenging each other." I nodded. 

I pulled up to his apartments. "Do you need help walking or are you fine?" I asked him. "I need help walk-walking." I turned off my car and got out, walking over to his side and opening it for him. I closed his door and supported him as we walked up to his door. 

He opened it and I walking him over to his couch. "I'll get you aspirins, where do you keep them?" I asked closing the door,"Bathroom in the mirror cabinet thingy." I walked to his bathroom and opened the cabinet, I grabbed the Advil bottle and walked over to him putting it on the table,"Do you need any water?" He shook his head. "Okay well, text me if you need anything or if you are bored." 

"Okay. Ian? Can you come over here? I have a-a secret to tell you." 

It seemed weird but he was still a bit drunk after all. 

I walked towards him and squatted down by him,"What?"

He leaned forward and softly kissed me. "Thank you." he whispered.

I was in shock. I felt myself heat up. "You'er-uh your w-welcome."

I opened the door and closed it walking out. I can't believe he just- did that...? I smiled It made me feel warm inside but then again it could've been the alcohol. Who gives a shit, it makes me happy. 

{I know this is short but... You gotta love me? I mean is this to quick? or is it just right?}

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