Kagami X Reader

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Alright lovelies~ I thought I'd write this as an apology for taking so long!

Bold is english

Normal would be Japanese



    You are a member of the girls basketball club at Seirin. You, being a new recruit from America and not having time to learn Japanese yet, were completely clueless on what was happening or what people were saying. When one day you coach came up to you and spoke in broken english, "Can you take -- to boys tam"

     You could just barely understand what he meant but nodded anyway because you got the gist of what he meant, you grabbed the file and made your way to the other gym.

     When you got there you went inside to everyone practicing, and hearing the door open some stop and look at you, others continue what they were doing.

     "Hello, do you need something." A girl asked approaching you, but what you heard was along the lines of "kon nanse ata suru nanki"

        A red giant, noticing your presence came up to you. "(Y/N) is that you?" Surprised by the familiar voice you look up.

      "Taiga? What are you doing here?!" You exclaim both happy and confused.

     "I should be asking you that! I came to Seirin to play basketball." He stated. 'Haha typical Tai-kun.' You thought slightly sweat dropping.

    "Kagami, who's this and what's going on?" The girl from earlier was back, and you only understood Kagami out of what she said.

      "Oh coach, this is (Y/N) she's an old friend from America, I dont know why she's here but she doesn't know how to speak Japanese." He internally face palmed  at the fact that one of his best friends from America came here without knowing the language.

         You just stood there, a giant imaginary question marl above your head as you hear them speak in a foreign tongue. "Tai-kun! I haven't seen you in so long! Oh, to answer your earlier question I was recruited for the girls team!" You explain getting out of your confused state to hug him.

     You hear a series of, to you, incoherent yells, the only thing you can make out is 'Alex.' "Did they say Alex, is big sister here?" You ask, curious to know if you trainer and sister figure is here.

       "Oh, yes. Alex is here," he said sweat dropping, "and its great you go to my school and all, but you have no clue what they're saying."

     "Yay~ big sister is here and that's ok! You can help me!" You announce in a bubbly attitude; Kagami, knowing he couldn't win the argument of yes and no, just smiled.

    "Alright but you will learn it sometime." He told you, you just giggled and stood on you tippy-toes so you could kiss him on the cheek.

    "Ok~!" You said and gave that girl the file, and went back to the girls practice.


Alrighty its done!

Important note! I will do continuations of oneshots however it can only be up to three chapters of it!

That is all

Ja ne my little demons


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