Shikamaru X Oc

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This is a oneshot based off of -OyaOyaOya- 's Chieko from a book that is coming soon called Threads or Destiny. Check out some of her books! They are amazing! I personally can't wait till ToD comes out! *squeal*!!!!

Anyway here is the oneshot, enjoy~

Shikachi Oneshot

“Chi?” Shikamaru called out looking everywhere for said brunette. “Chieko!”

He felt horrible. He said something he shouldn't have and she ran off, he's been looking for her for hours in the stormy streets.

In his panic he didn't think about the obvious place the girl would go.


‘Why did he…’ Chieko couldn't finish her thought before downing another bottle of sake.

When she had ran off the first place she went to was the bar. Just like any other time she'd go to the bar she'd drink and drink. But this time was different, it was to forget.

She wanted to forget the words Shikamaru said. He had started gaining her trust and then he brought up such a thing.

Being the person she is. Even when she's drunk and wanting to burst into tears. She refuses. She will never cry. Never.

“Miss, I think you've had enough.” The bartender stated, reaching out and taking the bottle.

Normally she would snatch the bottle back and demand for more but tonight, she didn't have the will.

She stumbles out of the bar and into the rain. She walked aimlessly down the road, thinking about this and that, mentally slapping herself for trusting.

Finding her way to a park she sits under a cherry blossom tree and looks up at the cloud covered moon.

She brought her knees to her chest, and rested her head on them, her eyes slowly closing before falling into a dreamless sleep.

With Shikamaru-

‘Where is she?’ He was getting desperate, and in his desperation he remembered the bar.

‘How could I have not looked there?!’ he screamed in his head. The normally calm Nara was worried over someone he once viewed as a nuisance.

He ran as fast as he could, splashing water high from stomping puddles.

When he arrived he ran to the bartender.

“Sir have you seen a girl with brown hair and green eyes?!” His frantic eyes met the Bartenders confused ones.

“Yes, she left a few minutes ago, she looked awfully upset, even though she hid it well.” The tall, older man said.

“Which way did she go?” The younger boy asked his eyes pleading to the man.

“Le-” he wasn't even able to finish his response before Shikamaru was running out of the shop yelling his thanks.

He ran down the road, passing shops and midnight strollers while keeping his eyes open for any glimpse of brown.

He ran by a park, almost missing the girl curled up under a tree that was being illuminated in the light.

Upon spotting her he ran over, slowing down when he realized she was sleeping.

He stood by her staring down at her for a minute before reaching down and carefully picking her up.

He began his walk home trying his best to shield her from the rain with his body.

He heard a noise and looked down at the supposedly sleeping girl in his arms, only to noticed her eyes fluttering open.

“Why were you in the rain? You will catch a cold you troublesome girl.” His voice just above a whisper as he tried to make his tone sound Playful.

“Shika.. maru? What are you doing here?” Chi’s sleepy voice sounded.

He stayed quiet for a minute. “I'm here because I was worried. I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to upset you.”

It was now her turn to stay quiet.

Shikamaru was about to speak again until he was interrupted by a soft, also inaudible voice.

“I don't accept your apology.” She started. “I cannot be bought back with a simple word. You must re-earn my trust before you are forgiven.”

Shikamaru’s face held a ghost of a smile.

“I never expected to be forgiven easily, I just wanted a chance. Thank you for giving my one. Now get some rest, I'll get us home.”


Hope you guys liked my oneshot.


Anyway this oneshot was for her.

Bye loves!~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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