head admin | @officialfuryevans

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

My real name is Akif Afiq Bin Abidin, but on Wattpad, I am more comfortable using my pen name - Fury Evans.

The reason I join this campaign is because I feel Muslims have been so discriminated by people all around the world, they just can't hear the word Islam or Muslims without freaking out because, according to contemporary culture, all of us are terrorists.

So, I'm joining this community to show people the real meaning of Islam. What it's like to be a real Muslim. I hope, with this campaign, every Muslim on Wattpad is not afraid to show themselves and stand in the name of Allah.

I have been seeing the world for almost 17 years, and a lot of news, videos, and other mass medias showing the burning of Al-Quran, innocent children and women killed all around the world - especially Muslim-to-Muslim killings - as well as promoting insults, slanders, and backlashes towards Muslims and Islam in general.

It just makes me really devastated how people misjudge our religion.

Alhamdulillah, I live in a Muslim country in Southeast Asia, free from religion-based disputes and nuclear/gun wars. Although, many of the people in my local community actually hates Islam but choose to keep quiet about it. I've heard my schoolmates mocking Allah but even when confronted, they still do it behind my back.

Once I explored the Deep Web (Google to find out what it is) through Tor browser, and somehow I ended up on a very very disgusting anti-Islam website. It doesn't have articles or logos, only horrible drawings to demean Islam. I think I saw a drawing of pig peeing on the Holy Quran (?) and other stuff I don't remember.

During the Eid celebration in our school back in 2014, a group of students from the first class in my grade raised middle fingers and closed their ears when the reciting of the Zikr went on in our school hall.

I found websites that misinterpret our Holy Quran and say it's a "fraud", or "Islam means slaughter, forced conversion, and terrorism" and all that stuff.

Not trying to preach but are you just going to sit quiet and let them insult your religion?

I understand, many of us are afraid to fight back due to lack of knowledge. In sha Allah, we will post useful infos about Islam soon. After all, we are here to learn.

Lastly, I want to say thank you for all the admins that have been making this campaign a success. To the founder for her initiative on this campaign. To other admins for working hard to promote this campaign.

Every support is another step closer towards equality.

The future is equality. #MuslimLivesMatter.

I hope with this campaign, we all can be a better Muslim, and a proud one too.

Amin ya rabbal alamin.


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