head admin | @Tehreemalfoy

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Assalaam o Alaykum lovely people!

I'm the head admin and current graphic designer for this campaign. My real name is Tehreem Fazal and I hail from Pakistan.

There are a lot of reasons why I joined this campaign. Firstly, I think that this campaign will help me a lot in getting to know my religion more.

Secondly, I feel it's the right thing to do. The way the world defames and looks down upon Islam tears my heart into pieces. The world is totally clueless about the real beauty of Islam. They only believe what the western media portrays. If a non Muslim commits a crime, he is labelled as a criminal or psychologically disturbed person. But if a Muslim does something wrong, the whole Muslim nation is labelled as a terrorist. THIS IS SO WRONG!

I believe that one should always play a part for a cause he believes in. I know, I'm not a perfect Muslim... I commit sins, I've a lot of bad habits yet I feel that I should come forward to showcase my viewpoint. I believe we should all work for the betterment of our society, we should try to uproot hate. And being a Muslim, we should help the world to understand what Islam is!

And I'm gonna do that through this campaign. I've decided to post a hadith or Quranic verse daily, that'll help the world to see what does the Quran say. How Allah wants us to live our lives.

I believe this campaign will help the people in so many ways. It'll clear their doubts, misconceptions and answer a lot of their questions. I'm happy to be a part of this amazing campaign. And ill look forward to your suggestions and feedback.

Stay Blessed!


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