head admin | @limerencely-

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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah !

(before i begin i'm willing to tell you that English is not my first language. So pardon my writing skills)

My name is Zara Fatima. And I'm a proud muslim girl from Pakistan. I see my religion as a religion of peace and love. Like others, i love my religion and i try to defend it.

I don't see any reason, why people hate Islam and Muslims so much? Just because some so-called Muslims bomb others doesn't mean that every Muslim on earth is a terrorist. That's not what Islam teaches us.

I'm not well aware of the problems that Muslims around the world are facing today. But I can throw light to some of them.

First, people see Muslims as introverts and narrow minded. They think that Muslim women have no rights. As a Muslim girl, i stG that it's nothing more than a lie. Even some of my friends here on wp asked me if I go to school or if my parents love me? That's how they see us, Muslims. They think Muslims slaughter their children. Bomb places to destroy peace. They treat their women as their slaves or more precisely pets. Idk what to say. Islam gives total security to women. In every aspect. As a mother, a sister or a daughter. If Muslim women wear hijjab that doesn't mean they don't have liberty or freedom. I'm not a perfect example to look forward to, but i must say I proudly wear hijjab and that's my choice. I feel comfortable and free while wearing it. That's what i think about hijjab. And i don't see the reason why some countries ban hijjab. We, in Muslim countries, don't force non-Muslim women to wear hijjab. Because it's their own choice. Then why some countries ban on women wearing hijjab?

Second, I've seen some non-Muslims mocking and disrespecting The Holy Quran. They mock the personality of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallal Laahu alihi wassalam). They make sketches, write his Holy name on shoes, tear the Holy Quran. I won't write details cause fury has already done it so well. But i really see no reason of doing this. I never saw any Muslims making fun of the Holy belongings of non-Muslims.

We respect other religions and expect others to do the same.

We stand for religion equality.

If you think that #muslimlivesmatter,
Do support us.

- az

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