Keeping secrets, are we?

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Percy's POV

Every night when Harry and I got back from detention with Umbridge, Annabeth would stop us in the common room and check our hands, and each night it just got worse.

"You need to tell someone, Percy." she demanded

"We can't! Besides, who would believe us?"

"What if we told Professor McGonagall..." Annabeth looks up at me, her grey eyes pleading with me.

"I  don't know Annabeth, we're not supposed to be drawing any attention to ourselves while we're here. We had strict instructions to just keep them safe. That's it. If I  have to put up with this torture from Umbridge that's fine, as long as we keep the three of them out of danger." I say, moving my hand from hers and cupping her face.

"I  know, you're right. We just need to focus on our mission."

"What mission?"

Annabeth and I spun around, my left hand flying behind my back as I try to conceal it. Ron is leaning against the doorway to our dormitories, one hand tucked into his pocket and the other one holding a half eaten apple.

"Oh um," I glanced over at Annabeth, having no idea what to say.

She just waves her hand and rolls her eyes and says, "Oh just some 'mission' Luna is sending us to do. Something about Nargals?"

Ron laughs and walks towards the armchair by the fire and sits down, one leg draped over the armrest. "Sounds like Luna alright."

"Anyway," I say, trying to change the subject. "What do you think about your professors this year? I think Snape's a real twat if you ask me."

Ron snorts and takes another bite of his apple. "Snape's been like that since before we were born, mate. The only students he ever likes are Slytherin, so I  wouldn't stress over him. Now Umbridge on the other hand - she's a massive bitch."

I chuckle and Annabeth stifles her laughter as more people walk into the common room.

"Couldn't agree more, mate." I answer.

Ron checks his watch and quickly gets up out of his armchair, almost tripping over his feet as he does. "I, um, I gotta be somewhere, but we'll chat later, yeah?" He doesn't even wait for my response before he leaves.

I look over at Annabeth in confusion. "Wonder where he's off to."

"Me too." She answers, squinting her eyes.


The next morning at breakfast, the seven of us sat together chatting about our professors and how much homework they've assigned.

"God, Snape assigned a foot of parchment for homework yesterday. I don't even have enough information for half that," Ron groaned.

Annabeth and Hermione giggled at him, and Ron looked over to them and scolded.

"You know, if you both are just going to laugh, you could at least help me with it." He huffed.

"Ron, I finished a foot in less than an hour. I'm sure you'll be okay." Annabeth answered with a smile, taking another bite of toast. I could already tell that her and Hermione were going to end up being really good friends, even if we were only here for this school year.

"Well wise girl, if you don't mind, maybe you could help me with my potions paper?" I  ask sweetly.

"We'll have to see about that one, seaweed brain. Maybe for something in return," she responds, winking at me. My ears turn red and I look down at my plate of food as the rest of the group laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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