Meet The Quad

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As I went down the hallway, I saw a huge crowd forming near the end, and of course, I walked down. There I saw 2 boys and 2 girls. I asked a guy next to me,

"Who are they?" He said,

"The Quad."

"What's that?"

"A group of the snottiest kids ever. The only chill one is Amara. She's the one with black hair."

I nodded, understanding who he was talking about. Then he proceeded to tell me about her,

"She is the valedictorian of the sophomore class, tennis team captain, cheerleader, and dancer. The definition of overachiever." He then nodded to a short blonde wearing a cheerleader's uniform next to Amara, and said,

"That, my friend, is my future wife, Bianca. She is cheer captain and the other dance co-captain. She is the hottest girl in school by far and dates everyone... except me. You see that guy on the left with the white hair. That's Micheal, he literally gets in trouble every day, whether it's skipping school or pranking one of the teachers. The one holding the basketball is Evan. All I have to say about him is that he is a stereotypical football player. He also has some serious anger issues." I asked him,

"How do you know all of that?"

"I'm a school newspaper reporter. It's my job to be nosy. Speaking of that, what's your name."

"Essix, you."

"Daniel, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too.


Soon I will have a trailer uploaded, courtesy of Nijium7. She makes awesome trailers super fast.

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