Lunch- Amara Pov.

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We sat in our normal booth and ordered. Evan ordered a burger with fries. Bianca ordered steak and mash potatoes. I ordered a chicken quesadilla with bacon. Micheal, being the healthy one ordered a kale salad, before winking at our waitress.

I rolled my eyes and played a game on my phone. Bianca rambled about how cute the new guy, Essix, was. I guess he was pretty cute. Evan countered,

"He seems off." Bianca defended,

"You think everyone is off. You were actually really mean to him." I agreed with B,

"Yeah, you were a bit mean."

I interrupted, fearing that these two hotheads would not stop arguing. Mickey seemed merely amused. I said,

"Why don't we play truth or dare." I honestly, love this game because it pushes me out of my comfort zone. Micheal said to me,

"Truth or dare."

"Dare." He leaned in and smirked.

This is going to be bad.

He continued,

"I dare you to get on the floor 10 pushups ... with me on your back." I am strong, but not that strong, and Micheal weighs a good 160 lbs. I got on the floor in plank position, and when Micheal sat on me I dropped to the ground. After a good minute of struggling, Micheal got off of me.

Just as I was getting up, the waitress came with a look of disgust on her face. I rolled my eyes and ignored her. She set our food down on the table and sashayed away. 

When I could not eat any more, I put the rest of my food in a box. 

Then my eyes literally bulged out of my head when I sa the time. We had 5 minutes to get back to school. I can't be late for school. I start to hyperventilate. Evan said, 

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" Before I could answer, Bianca checks the time and says,

"We have 5 minutes to get to school." Micheal gave the most sadistic smile. He said,

"Amu, you're coming with me." I paid for my food and did not argue. Like I said, he was fast and we had 4 minutes and 30 seconds to get to a school 10 minutes away. We run to his car, hop in, and then he mashed the gas. I prayed until we got to school. I had 15 seconds to run to my class.

I hightailed myself to class right before the bell rings. I deeply inhaled, smiled, and took my seat in AP Psychology.

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