How you met

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Jesse: You are in the McKinley glee club. He is the leader of Vocal Adrenalin. You met at sectionals and started talking, you kept in contact and he recently asked you out

Ryder: You really liked him so you joined glee club to be closer to him, you sung Shape Of You (I know that wasn't around when glee was on but oh well) then you asked him out and he said yes

Jake: you were both in glee club together and you slowly developed a crush on him. He asked you to go to prom with him as a friend then asked you to be his girlfriend at prom

Puck: you were a year younger than him and his brother had just broken your heart. He stole Jakes phone to ask you on a date.

Sebastian: you were the younger sister of one of his friends from Dalton, you went out to the Lima Bean with your brother and his mates. Sebastian flirted with you like heck and at the end of the evening he asked you out. You moved to the girls part of Dalton to be nearer to him.

Hunter: you went to McKinley and when Blaine went to Dalton about the stolen nationals trophy when Blaine went back to McKinley you stayed back flirting with Hunter and he asked you out. You move out of state with him when gets expelled from Dalton.

Blaine: you meet him when he moves to McKinley. From the first second you set eyes on him you are in love. When you hear him sing Its Not Unusual you are swooning. When he breaks up with Kurt, you kiss him and you go out.

Finn: you meet him when he comes to McKinley to help Mr Schue. You make out with him after glee club and started dating.

Sam: when he joined McKinley you dated, when he left you were heart broken. When Finn and Rachel brought him back to McKinley you were so thankful and helped him through the hard times.

Mike: you wanted to take dancing lessons and Mike was teaching them. You went to every weekly lesson for a couple months and you slowly fell in love with him. Eventually you asked him out and you have been dating since.

Artie: you loved him from the minute you saw him. When he broke up with Tina you sung together in glee club and he asked you out just as friends to start with but it evolved into something more.

Kurt: you met auditioning for the main parts in west side story. You both got the main parts and fell in love as your characters did. Slowly he plucked up the courage to ask you out and you started dating. Recently you broke up with him because someone told you he had been cheating on you. He sung Need You Now in glee club and you are dating again.

Hope you enjoyed - this took me ages to think of and write up. It's a lot longer than the other chapter so I hope you enjoy.

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