2.9K 17 14

OMG! Ok I was just scrolling through my works on Wattpad cause I'm bored as heck, and I saw this book has 3K! My writing is always so rubbish and you have no idea how much people enjoying this has boosted my self esteem. Thank you so much every one of you who read this, votes for it and comments, I love you all! I was looking at how many views per chapter this book was getting and it was getting like 300/400 views per chapter and I literally fell off my bed! Thank you guys so very much and I love everyone ALMOST as much as Kurt loves Blaine (except in a friend way) and cause I wanna show the love I'm gonna tag a bunch of people who've commented and stuff! Go follow these people if you haven't already and thank you again I'm still in a state of shock! I wasn't ever expecting that in 11 parts I'd have more than 11 views, so 3k is so incredible to me.

Follow these people:
@ioanna_antoniou -
@igulinkss -
@monkeysoph -
@glee_is_life24 -
@XSnowTheMemeX -



I'm sorry if I missed anyone, I just took people who I know had voted and the people who have commented, also sorry if tagging some people didn't work, idk what's going on...

I've put links to the people who's tags wouldn't work. Anyway, once more, THANK YOU SO MUCH IM STILL IN FRICKEN SHOCK 3K WHO WOULDVE THOUGHT TAKE THAT BITCHES WHO THINK IM WEIRD FOR LIKING GLEE AND THE EMO QUARTET (sorry rant over)

I will update soon, I've got a part 2 Jesse St James x Reader to do and then I'll do another normal chapter, comment any requests for x readers or ships or whatever (i really want someone to request a Quick fanfic, but i cant find any of my own ideas someone please help!)

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