Chapter 3

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"This." I took a deep breath and blasted all of the Avenger with air throwing them backwards. While they were down, I ran for it and jumped off the rooves. Once I landed I slid open a manhole cover, climbed down, and then slid it back over the sewer entrance and jumped in while holding my breath.

I pushed the bad smelling gases away and created a sort of air bubble using my powers. On both sided of me the sewer was blocked and there was no escape. Not a silent way that means I won't get caught, I could blow it up but that would attract too much attention. Hoping they wouldn't look down here, I heard heavy footsteps above me and I knew it was them. Then they began to talk. It was muffled but using my hearing I could make out what they were saying.

"How did she do that? And where did she go?" Asked someone, a man I think.

"How should I know? If she was kidnaped it could be Hydra again. They're the only people who experiment on people that we know about and the people survive. We find the girl and then we take her to Fury, he'll know what to do with her. And I want my money back." Of course it was Stark. Maybe I could use lightening to short-circuit his suit. I'm not sure how I'll escape the other Avengers but at least I get to blast Stark with lightening.

"We should let her stay in the tower, Fury would put her in a cell. Hold on, if she's smart enough to hide on rooves because no one would look there, what about sewers? That's where I would hide if I were her right now. She knows she can't outrun us but I don't think she thinks we're smart enough to look down there for her." Oh no, they know where I am. This isn't good. The manhole cover slides off and someone jumps down. Hawkeye. I back as far away from him as I could and began to look for a way out that I had missed before, there was none.

"Tony, call the others, she's down here." Hawkeye shouted up to Stark. He didn't even look at Tony when he climbed down here with us. Maybe I should give up, I mean I have no way out and they've called in backup so there is no way I can escape now. In under a minute all of the Avengers were in the tunnel with us.

"Fine, I give up." I pulled out the money I took from him and threw it at Stark who caught it. "There's your money and I've got places to be so I'm just going to go now." I said as I edged towards the manhole cover but I was grabbed by Captain America. For a ninety year old man he's really strong. I think now it's safe to say there is no way I can get out of here. Before there was a slim chance I could talk my way out of this but now, I think not.

"And where do you think you're going? You stole my money so I'm going to take you to Fury, he knows what to do with freaks like you." I flinch when Stark said freak, which was what my so called mother and father called me when they kicked me out.

"You call me a freak when you hang around a super soldier, two master assassins, a god and a guy who turns into an awesome green rage monster. You yourself fly around in a metal suit so I don't think I'm the weirdest person here. If you try to take me to Fury I will show you why you should never mess with a girl, especially one who already hate you and could kill you right now in so many ways you would should be scared." Black Widow smirked, no one noticed though because they were too busy either looking at me or Stark.

"So you're threatening to kill me?" He asked. Oooh, he sounds serious now.

"No. I'm not threating to kill you, I'm promising to kill you, there's a difference." Of course I put as much sass as humanly possible into that statement.

"What's your name kid?" Asks the Captain. And of course I'm not going to tell them, they'll do some digging and find out who I am anyway.

"What is this? Twenty questions? I'm not telling you lot anything. I neither like nor trust any of you. Well, I like Black Widow but that's because of girl solidarity and the fact she's awesome." What can I say, she's my favourite superhero after all. I think she could easily take down the rest of the Avengers with her ninja skills. Again Black Widow smirked.

"Why don't you come with us?" Captain America said. "I'm sure you could talk to Black Widow if you did." He was trying to bribe me to go with them peacefully . . . and failing miserably.

"What am I? Five! That aint gunna happen. From what I heard before, I really don't want to go with you guys. That dude, what was his name? Fury! That was it. We all heard heard Stark talking about taking me to Fury and him knowing what to do with people like me. From what I know that's either putting me in a cell or experimenting on me. No thank you, I like my freedom." I kind of ranted at them. When I get nervous I tend to be really sarcastic and talk faster than usual.

"We don't have time for this." Firing his arrow, Birdbrain hit me in the shoulder with a weirdly shaped arrow. A tranquiliser arrow. I pulled the arrow out quickly but I was not fast enough. By the time I pulled it out it was too late, everything had begun to fade. Black dots appeared in front of my eyes and I stumbled slightly. Everything turned black and my legs gave out, the last thing I felt was two strong arms catching me before I could hit the floor.

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