The Friend

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It was just a normal week for Becka she was having a good time with her friends and was just loving life. Her boyfriend Isaiah was all she had ever wanted in her life. But everything was about to change for Becka, her life would take a turn for the worst. "Becka we need to talk." Her friend Frank said, hes been in love with her for so long but he never told her.

"Okay, what's up?" She asks, she knows its her job to protect him when hes sad.

"Look this isn't easy for me to say but, I can't keep hiding this from you." He says, it worries her because she doesn't know what's happening. "I love you Becka, I've been in love with you for so long but you're with Isaiah and I had to hide it from you." She is shocked and doesn't know what to say. She was in love with her boyfriend not Frank, Isaiah has been there for her even in her darkest days. He was there for her when everyone hated her and she had nothing.

"Frank, I'm flattered that you feel that way but you know my heart belongs to Isaiah. He is the only one I will ever want, I'm sorry but you're like a brother to me." She tells him, she hates to hurt her friends but she needed to tell him that her love belonged with Isaiah.

"Becka, please, listen Isaiah isn't good for you. I can treat you like the queen you are." He was wrong, Isaiah was treating her like a queen. Isaiah was the best for her, Frank was the problem. Since day one Frank was a problem, but Becka never gave up hope. She wanted to save him, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't. "I love you more than anything and I will not let you stay with him!" Frank says violently, Becka grabs her phone in her pocket and pressed the screen and called Isaiah. Her phone still in her pocket, Isaiah answered to hear Frank yelling at Becka. "I LOVED YOU SINCE WE MET! HE NEVER LOVED YOU HE'S ONLY USING YOU FOR SEX!" Frank yells at her, Becka starts crying begging him to stop yelling.

Isaiah grabs a couple of his strongest friends and go look for Becka and Frank. Isaiah knows what Frank is capable of doing and he fears for Becka's life. "I hear his voice!" Isaiah's friend Derrick said. "They're in the library!" He yells from down the hallway. Isaiah and his other friends race down the hall and rush into the library. The see Frank getting into Becka's face making her cry more than she already was.

"Frank back away from my girlfriend right the fuck now!" Isaiah yells at Frank, Frank turns around and tries to attack him. Isaiah doges his punch and takes his arm and places Frank against the wall.

"You don't love her Isaiah. I love her more than you ever will you are just using her!" Frank is insane and just losing it. Isaiah looks over to Becka and see's that she's bleeding from her right arm. "Derrick, hold Frank, Greg call the cops they need to take this fucking crazy as basterd away." Isaiah rushes over to Becka to make sure she's okay. "Becka, Becka please be okay. " he says.

"Isaiah," she says weakly "Isaiah my stomach hurts." She tells him, Isaiah looks down and see's a knife stuck inside Becka's stomach.

"Oh shit," Isaiah says, "Greg we need an ambulance now! Becka's hurt really bad, that fucking bastard stabbed her!" Isaiah tells Greg, Greg quickly tells the 911 operator to also bring an ambulance. Isaiah looks at Becka and starts to tear up. "Baby please don't die, please I need you in my life please you're all I have. You're all I want, you're my everything. My love forever." He tells her, shortly after the police and ambulance arrive. They take Becka and Frank, Becka is in the hospital very weak and hardly awake. Frank is in jail waiting for his trial.

"I knew I should have gone with her and Frank, then he wouldn't have hurt her. This is all my fault." Isaiah tells Derrick, he looks to his right to see Becka laying in the hospital bed next to him. She was peaceful, and quiet like in a deep sleep.

"It's not your fault Isaiah, she didn't know that he was this crazy." Derrick tells Isaiah, Isaiah's eyes fill with tears he's scared to lose Becka.

"I can't lose her, man, she's all I love. She's the only girl I want, I love her with all my heart. She can't die, not now, not when I need her the most." Isaiah says, he starts crying and just hopes Becka will be okay.

Later that night, Isaiah is at home Becka was able to leave the hospital and she came with him to his house. Becka was asleep on his bed Isaiah stayed alert and did not once look away from Becka. A few minutes pass and he hears her phone go off, to save Becka the hassle of waking up and answering the phone he picks it up.

"Hello?" He says, on the other end of the phone he hears a mans voice.

"You think you can protect her? She isn't going to be safe forever." It was Frank, Isaiah knew his voice. Frank was insane he wanted Becka, but little did he know Isaiah wasn't just human. He was way more and so much stronger than any other human in the world. He wasn't going to let the one he loved get hurt anymore.

"Listen here you son of a bitch, I will find you and I will kill you where you stand. I will not let you take away my Becka." Isaiah says then he hangs up the phone and puts it on the table next to his bed. The next morning Becka wakes up to see Isaiah asleep on the chair. She smiles and gets out of bed. She walks to the kitchen and starts to fix up breakfast. Then out of nowhere she feels a pair of hands grab her. On of them covers her mouth the other holds her close to his body.

"I knew he wouldn't let you leave his side, but he forgot to lock the door." Frank's voice comes from behind Becka. She's scared and tries to call Isaiah for help but her screams are muffled. She tries to fight him off but she's weak from the stab wound. "You're mine now." Frank says, he punches her in the same spot where the wound is. He moves his hand from her mouth as she screams.

Her screams wake Isaiah and he runs to the kitchen, he sees Frank and Becka. "Frank let her go now!" He screams at Frank, Isaiah sees blood coming from Becka's stomach. "Let Becka go." He says.

"Now why would I do that? We're having so much fun together, right Becka?" Franks takes a knife from the knife rack on the counter. Isaiah starts to get pissed off and Frank hears a low growl come from Isaiah.  "What the hell is wrong with you?" Frank asks.

"Becka, you need to get away from him now." Isaiah tells her, she knows whats going on and she elbows him in the gut and moves away from Frank. Frank was hunched over for a few seconds. When he recovers he sees Isaiah's eyes turn a glowing red. Frank freaks out, just then Isaiah turns into a very large jet black furred wolf.

"What the fuck, what the hell are you?!" Frank asks, the wolf just growls and attacks him. He doesn't kill Frank he just severely hurt him. A few minutes later Isaiah is back in his human form.

"We need to call an ambulance and leave this place. Let them help him and we can get out of state in half an hour." Becka tells Isaiah.

"What about you, you're wounded pretty badly and what do we tell the ambulance when they get here?" He asks, as he takes a look at her wound. She kisses him and her wound starts healing.

"You forgot I can borrow your healing powers." Becka says as she dials 911. Isaiah packs some bags with clothes and the stuff they need. Becka tells the operator that she heard screaming and she kept the call anonymous. They left the apartment with nothing but the furniture.

They drove and drove until they found a secluded place in the woods. No one knew where they were, not family, nor friends. Not a single person, Frank was taken to jail on account of attempted murder against Derrick. Becka and Isaiah lived in the woods, where they raised their daughter Athena.

"Mommy am I weird?" Athena asks Becka.

"No love, you're just special like me and dad. You are capable of extraordinary things exactly like us." Becka tells her, Isaiah walks in the room.

"And just like us you can be incredible. You can help a lot of people one day sweetie. Don't let anyone tell you that you're less than incredible." He tells Athena and hugs both her and Becka. "You two are the best things to ever happen to me." He says.

They spend the rest of their days happy without a care in the world.

"I'll be back for my Becka, one day."

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