The brokenhearted

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He told her he loved her. He did everything for her, and she gave everything to him. He told her he would never leave her because he loved her so much. She believed him. She believed everything he told her. She fell in love with him and never wanted to lose him. But one day it all changed for her. One day she lost everything, her life just fell apart and she couldn't handle it.

It all started Friday morning, she woke up to a text from her loving boyfriend. When she opened it, it read: We need to talk.

About what? She asked

Us. He told her. At that moment her heart dropped, she knew what was going to happen. The love of her life was going to leave her all alone in this cold cruel world.

What do you mean, us? She tried to play it off but she was already heartbroken. She knew this day would come but never this soon.

I just can't be with you anymore. You don't make me happy like you used to. I'm always upset and its too hard to do anything. And I'm not ready to raise a child yet, its all just too much.

Her eyes filled with tears for she had just witnessed heartbreak again. He promised her she would never feel that kind of pain ever again...but he lied. She tried everything to get him to stay. She begged and pleaded and did everything she could. But, none of it worked in the end he left her alone crying in her bed without anyone to hold her and tell her it will be okay.

She spent the entire day like that, people wondered why she was so sad and upset. But, they all just let it roll off their shoulders. It wasn't their problem she was crying her eyes out. Everyone just kept on walking past her. She was begging for someone to help her, yet no one would hear her screams. No one would hear her cries for help.  She screamed out in pain when she did everyone turned their heads only to find her bleeding from her arms and legs. She had sliced them open with a piece of glass she had found next to her.

She was screaming in pain and begging for help, and again no one came to her aid. She lie there bleeding looking up at the clouds in the sky begging for her pain to end. The blood flowing down her arms and legs. The sun being covered by rain clouds. All the people have left and she lays there in the rain bleeding out. She feels herself getting weaker and her strength fades. She clings to a notebook in her hand and finally draws her final breath.

She was dead.

Someone came walking down the road, it was her love, the man she wanted to be with forever but never got a chance to. He saw something in the corner of his eye and went to it. But what he found wasn't a happy sight, he found the girl he had once hoped to marry whom he said he loved dead and bleed out. The gashes on her arms and legs are still bleeding the rain hits both the man and woman. He falls to his knees and cries, taking her lifeless body in his arms he realized what ha had done.

"I'm so sorry, Lexi I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I didn't want to leave you. I never did." He tells her crying barely being able to speak. But he's too late, his love is now gone forever. He sees the notebook in her hand and slowly takes it and opens it. There was a note for him inside. It read:

My dearest Jack,
I love you and I will always love you. You are my world, my rock, my reason for living. I would do anything for you, you bring sunshine into my life. You show me the light when I'm trapped in the darkness and cant find my way out. You have done everything for me and I have done so little for you. I have been waiting to tell you this but I want to spend my entire life with you. I want to be there every morning when you wake and every night when you go to sleep. I want to share this life with you. I love you so much and I never want to lose you. You're my everything, and I am yours. There is a gift for you behind this paper. It is for you to keep forever.

With love,
                    Your Lexi

Tears stream down his face as he turns over the paper. A ring is taped to the back of it, with the words 'will you marry me?' behind it.  He begins to cry more and more because he realizes what he has done. He calls 911 and tells them where he is. And when the ambulance gets there they find both man and woman dead.

Jack had taken the glass Lexi had used and sliced his neck open with the ring on his finger and Lexi in his arms he had died.

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