IV- hello feelings

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Tacy's POV (this you didn't expect did ya?)

I let out a whimper as he bites down into the flesh of the crook of my neck. I'm getting hot even though my dress is thin and short. George moves his hands to my upper legs and his touch makes me and my wolf go insane, I suddenly crave his touch, like I needed to compromise the little body contact we've had in the past month.
"Mine," he said in my mind.
"You possessive wolf," I chuckled back.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it," George said as he started kissing the blood away.
My stomach started to itch as he did so, like I needed something, but I didn't know what it was. Like you're trying to remember a word, it's on the tip of your tongue yet unreachable.
"Are you okay?" George asked me.
"I am, I really am."
I looked into his eyes and then at his lips, they were perfectly shaped and a nice shade of pink. Before I, or even my wolf, was realising what I was doing, I had put my lips on his. I laid my hands on his chest and he cupped my behind.
"Hey! No sex in the hallway!" the concierge yelled and the we quickly got up.
"Sorry!" I giggled while adjusting my dress.
We walked back to the gym and I simply couldn't stop laughing, that face of him was priceless!
"What's so funny?" George asked.
"Hi-his face!" I laughed and he chuckled.
"No sex in the hallway!" George mimics making me laugh again.
When I finally get myself to stop laughing we walk in to the gym again.
"Fortunately it's dark," I mind link George, I'm not going to try to yell over the blasting music.
"Veronica would ask questions about my mark."
"Of course," George said before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to the dance floor were couples were slowly dancing to the music.
George wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck. after a while I laid my head in the crook of his neck, I realised I hadn't had the chance to claim him, while the itching in my stomach came back.
"It's called butterflies," George told me, "you're in love."
I froze, I was in love? Now I was confused, how?
"Our mate helped you!" My wolf cheered.
"What do you mean?"
"Just wait," she said as she retreated into the back of my mind.
Now I started to panic, I needed her! For George! I had no idea what I should do without her, I had completely relied on her the past few weeks.
"Are you okay?" he asked me, either feeling my struggles through the bond or by the way I was acting.
"I don't know," I told him honestly and I looked him into the eyes, hoping to find some comfort.
"You're afraid," he whispered.
"That's not possible," I answered confused.
"I can see it in your eyes Tacy, but where are you afraid of?"
"My wolf, she just, disappeared. She's still here, but I can't feel her like I usually do! I've always relied on her, I told you that," I said.
I expected George to say something, but instead he closed the distance between us and kissed me. Without hesitation I kissed him back and I calmed down. I felt his tongue against my bottom lip as he asked for entrance, I opened my mouth and our tongues danced together. When he pulled back I whined, I didn't want to stop.
"Somebody is suddenly very needy," George chuckled.
His words suddenly made me realise what was going on; I wanted him, not because of the bond and my wolf, but because of me, Tacy, the human.
"George," I said, "I believe I feel."
"I know, I saw it in your eyes," he answered, "I wanted you to find out yourself."
"I still can't feel the bond though," I sighed.
"That's okay, maybe it'll come."
"What if it doesn't?"
"We'll get through this, together."
"You promise?"
"I promise."

Later that evening I was getting tired, the claiming had token more energy than I had expected.
"I can bring you home if you want," George suggested.
We had sat down on a booth a while ago and I had told him a little more about me, including the fact my parents had no idea I had found him. He told me that he had spoken to his Alpha and he had said that, if my parents and I would prove to be loyal, we were free to try to join the pack. It scared me how he said 'try'.
"You came here by yourself?"
"Well, Mary will have to find a way to get home, but I'm sure she won't mind. Our parents gave us a car our last birthday."
"Of course, you're twins, I didn't realise," I giggled, "but home sounds pretty good right now."
"Okay, I'll mind link Mary," he said as we stood up and walked to the garderobe where we got our stuff.
As the gentleman he was, he walked me to the front door.
"I'll see you Monday then," he smiled.
"Stay," I begged.
"What about your parents?"
"They'll love you, trust me."
"Okay then," he nervously said as I unlocked the front door.
"I'm home!" I yelled, I heard the sound of the television being turned off as I walked into the living room.
"And who is your visitor?" my mom asked.
"This is George, my mate," I said.

"I can't believe they would let me sleep in your room," George said.
"My mom got pregnant in the first twenty four hours they'd met."
"Never mind what I said," he chuckled.
We were sitting on my bed. I had, much to George's disappointment I believe, changed into jogging pants and a tank top. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a tee shirt which had been stuffed into a bag in the back of his car, for if he had to shift unexpectedly, he had said.
"I still have to claim you though," I said and I saw a glint of joy in his blue eyes.
"What's stopping you from doing so?"
"Your shirt, it'll get dirty if you keep it on."
"If you want me shirtless you just have to ask," he laughed as he pulled his shirt over his head.
He leaned in and kissed me, but differently than first, he was now more rough and passionated. After he pulled back I didn't hesitate before biting down into his flesh, my wolf wagged her tail in happiness and when I looked into my mates eyes.....
There were feelings I've never had.

Word count: 1128
The endddd,
Quite obvious is it not...
I know it's a rather quick development between George and Tacy, but it's a short story after all and imagine them dating in the month I skipped.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading my story and for those who didn't read 'his to claim':
Start doing so!
It's the story about Noah and Scarlet, the Alpha and Luna of George's pack.
And it isn't cliche (though there are cliches in it of course)
This story is based on a more advanced plot I've had in mind for a while (=over a year) and I want to write that (not-werewolf) version too some day, but I've got enough to write for now.
Don't forget to wear your seatbelt!

Love, Marylyn.

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