III- the senior prom

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"Tacy!" the male wolf yelled as he saw the girl, she turned around, closing her locker and facing her mate.
"Uhm- hi," she awkwardly said.
"Why didn't you go look for me when you first caught my scent?" George said, directly cutting to the case.
"What do you mean?"
"Tobias said you caught my scent during science."
"Who is Tobias?" Tacy asked, but somehow already knowing the answer.
"I am, hi, George's best friend by the way," Tobias said, popping up from behind George.
"Oh," Tacy said as she sucked in a breath.
"Why did you ignore it?" George asked once again. Tacy gave Tobias a look, hoping he would leave. Fortunately for her he did after mumbling something about that is wasn't fair.
"I don't feel the mate bond," Tacy admitted, she was whispering so only George, who was about to break down, could hear her, "my wolf does, but I don't."
"How?" George asked, he didn't know what to say or what to do anymore.
"I can't explain it either," Tacy answered honestly.
"Then what about us?"
"I-" Tacy was thorn between telling the truth or not, it was a secret she had never told before, "let's take it slow, maybe you can make me fall for you."
"What about your father?" George asked, hoping that obstacle was now in the past.
"He's willing to make an exception for you," she smiled, truth to be told; she hadn't even mentioned him.
The bell rang and determined as he was George walked Tacy to class.
"I'll see you during the break," he said before walking away to his own class
"Are you my brother's mate?" a girl suddenly asked from behind. Tacy turned around in her chair, the girl had short rose blonde hair and a small nose. Her eyebrow was pierced and matched her pink earrings.
"I'm Mary, George's sister."
"Oh, hi, I'm-"
"Tacy, I know, George told us about you. I thought he was exaggerating when he said you're the most beautiful girl he ever laid eyes on, but I have to admit you're pretty.
"Uhm, thanks," Tacy said before turning around again so she could pay attention to the teacher who wanted to start.

"With who are you going to the prom?" Veronica asked her best friend.
"Does it matter?" Tacy asked, "maybe I'm not going at all."
"But you have to! It's prom! Please, please, please! Do it for me, your bff, I want to share one of the most memorable nights with you!"
"I know it's not what you mean, but that sounded terribly wrong, besides, don't you have Lucas?"
"Yes, but we can make it a threesome," Veronica said without shame.
"V, you're a little too innocent than that's good for you," Tacy dryly said.
"What do you mean? I'm super badass," Veronica said, acting like she was a spy, holding her hands up like a gun.
"You really don't get it, do you?"
"Apparently I don't," Veronica said bluntly.
"Hey there!" Mary suddenly said, she had come out of nowhere.
"Hi, Mary this is Veronica, Veronica, Mary," Tacy quickly introduced the girls.
"Hello, nice to meet you," Veronica said, "Mary is such a beautiful name, though I would like to be called Alietta."
"That's why people get children, to name them like they wished they were called," Mary said, "or because they forgot the protection."
"Who needs protection? Tacy are you all right?" George asked.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
"You were talking about protecting," he said.
"As in, the protection that would keep your little Georges from swimming to the little Tacys," Mary grinned.
"Mary shut up," Tacy said and George became pale while Veronica was still clueless.
"So what about prom? Do you have a date?" she asked George and his sister.
"I'm a independent woman, I don't need some guy to open doors and hold my bag for me," Mary said.
"Do you have a date," George asked his mate.
"I guess I do now," she answered.
"Yay!" Veronica cheered, "it's a foursome!"

"Oh my flipping pancakes," Veronica squealed, "you look amazing!"
Tacy walked out of the bathroom now wearing a black, body-hugging, sleeveless dress with a purple lace skirt over it. The dress ended mid-tight. Veronica was wearing a black gown with a split on the side. The girls walked through the house to Veronica's room. Tacy pulled her hair up into a ponytail while Veronica decided to make a fishtail braid. Tacy got her choker and a pair of earrings out of the bag she had taken with her and after they had put on their shoes they went downstairs.
"Excuse me, have you seen my daughter," Veronica's father joked.
"He means to say you look beautiful, both of you do," Veronica her mother said.
"Thank you," Tacy said and Veronica suddenly started to panic.
"It's already half past seven! We need to leave now otherwise we'll be too late!"
The two girls got into the car and Veronica's father drove them to the school.
"Have fun! I'll pick you up at twelve!" he called as the girls ran through the rain to the building.
"You're finally here!" Mary exclaimed, "these two were becoming so desperate it made me wanna throw up."
"That doesn't even make sense!" George said as he took Tacy's hand in his. They had met a month ago and Tacy still hadn't told George the painful truth.
"You look great," Lucas told Veronica as the five friends walked to the garderobe to drop of their jackets and bags. Walking into the gym the music boomed through the speakers and the bass vibrated in the chests of the students. The girls walked over to their friends and mingled with them as the boys awkwardly stood near by the table with drinks.
"So, you and Tacy," Lucas said, trying to start a conversation.
"Yeah, it's complicated, but I keep my hopes up," George answered, "you and Veronica huh?"
"Yeah, I don't think it's going to work out."
"What seriously? Dude, why did you even take her?"
"She's hot, but unfortunately a little too innocent, your sister though," he said, eying Mary.
"You stay away from my sister or I'll break every single bone in your body," George threatened without even looking at Lucas. The human boy slowly nodded as he took a step further away from the werewolf.
After an hour or so Tacy pulled at George's sleeve, he had been talking with Tobias and a few others.
"We need to talk," she yelled over the music. George nodded and together they left the gym. They ended up in an empty hallway.
"What is it?" George asked.
"I haven't been completely honest with you," his mate admitted.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't feel the mate bond, but there's more."
It took all Tacys strength to say the following words.
"I don't have feelings at all."

"So you're just, numb?" George asked after Tacy had explained how she got through childhood and how she had relied on her wolf's feelings ever since she'd shifted. Mark was sitting on the ground, with his back against the wall, his hands buried in his face. Tacy was sitting next to him, but didn't touch him.
"It's hard to describe, I don't know its origin or anything about it."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I hoped you could change it," she whispered.
"Isn't hope a feeling?"
"Anger, sadness, happiness and fear are feelings, hope is wanting things to get better."
"You forgot one," George said, capturing Tacy's attention, "love."
"Love is the most complicated and yet most beautiful of them all," Tacy mused, "I know I would've loved you if things had been- different."
"You would?" George smiled, not even trying to hide his excitement.
"By the way my wolf reacts if you walk into the room, look at me, give me attention, yes. But also by the way you treat me, with respect even though I am a rogue."
"You're my mate, it's what I should do."
"I can't even feel the bond and now I'm thinking about it, I understand if you want to reject me."
With those words George cupped Tacy's cheek and kissed her on the lips, soft and tender.
"If you're willing, I want to try this, us, I don't care that you can't feel. You're a good person and an amazing girl, I want you."
"For real?"
"Why do you think I just kissed you," he smiled and Tacy smiled back.
"I think I'll rely on my wolf a little more when it comes to you."
"Trust me, the only thing that's keeping me from claiming you, is the fact that there are humans here."
"We can say that when we get caught by one he's drunk or drugged."
"Would you let me claim you?"
"Does it look like I'm stopping you?"
George pulled his mate on his lap so she was straddling him, making Tacy's dress roll up dangerously high as it was so tight she could barely even walk. His hands were resting on her hips as he asked one last time wether she was sure or not, after her reply he extended his teeth and bit down in her shoulder.

Word count: 1541

So two days ago I realised there were only five days left... oops....
Anyway i think I can finish the "book" next chapter and it'll be written by tomorrow or even today.

I just love Mary and Veronica, V is innocent while Mary is, well, not....

Love, marylyn (seriously? Mary.... Marylyn..... I honestly didn't think about this before as Marylyn is just a name I use on Wattpad and such, I'm Dutch, most people would have problems with pronouncing my name, let alone remembering it)

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