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(Lola's Pov)

I felt her eyes on me. Her looking at me with a glare. However, the very second I looked up - she looked away. My sister, Melissa, was playing a game with me. I didn't find it fun or amusing at all. I was afraid, tense and frightened that any second now - all of my truth would be revealed.

My eyes trailed over the algebraic equation in-front of me. It was Sunday. Papa sat on the sofa, reading away from his tablet. Melissa sat on the sofa across from me, supposedly watching TV, but I felt her sharp gaze fall upon me every other second.

A soft sigh left my lips, and I glanced at the clock. It read five pm; it wouldn't be long until I could go back to my room, power on my iPhone and talk to Luca. I missed him. It hadn't been a day since I had seen him, but I still missed him. I needed him right now.

Letting my eyes travel back down to my book, I felt her once again look at me. Yet, instead of ignoring it like all the other times, I found myself giving in. My eyes met with her blue orbs, seeing a swirl of fire sit in them. They were threatening, sad, and betrayed.

She hated me.

I glanced away, feeling my heart hurt. I never wanted to ever hurt Melissa. She was my older sister; I loved her. But somewhere along the lines of losing myself into forbidden love, I managed to hurt her.

As seconds ticked by, the air thickened with tension. My heart was pulsing faster than usual. I was awaiting for her to get it over and done with. It was the perfect chance. Papa was in here, and so was here. She could end me now.

But she didn't.

Swallowing, I toyed with the black inky pen in my hands. There was bile laying inside my throat. It were as if something bad was going to happen - I just had this feeling. Exhaling, I heard Papa shift on the sofa, mumbling in Italian to himself.

"Papa," I heard Melissa call, making my heart stop. I tried not look up at her, but I couldn't control myself. I stared at her with a pleading expression, but her eyes weren't on me. She was purposely ignoring me.

"Yes, Bambina?" He replied, glancing up from his tablet screen. I gulped, closely watching as Melissa opened her mouth. However, it was as if God had heard my prayers. The sound of the doorbell ringing, echoed in the room, silencing Melissa before she had a chance to expose Luca and I.

"I'll be right back," He murmured, looking surprised. He probably wasn't expecting someone. My eyes followed my father's movement, as he stood up from the sofa and exited the room. The second he left, I felt her gaze drop back onto me. Hesitantly, I looked back at her.

Her expression hadn't changed in the slightest. Still a permanent glare shooting from her blue eyes, and a frown etched onto her lips.

"Hai solo avuto fortuna." She uttered, lowly. 

You just got lucky.

I agreed. I truly had.

The sound of male voices entered my ears. I glanced towards the door, seeing Papa enter the room once again, a small smile on his lips. However, the very second I saw who was behind him - my heart stopped.

This couldn't be happening.

Freshly dressed in a dark-blue satin dress shirt, paired with black pants, rolled up, exposing his ankles. On his feet, he wore shiny dark-blue shoes, his golden hair, slicked back over his head. He was handsome - so breathtakingly handsome. I couldn't stop myself from staring at him.

What on earth was he doing here?

His eyes landed on me for a split second, and as if he could sense my bubble of negative emotions, he shot me a reassuring look. It strangely worked...a little.

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