Here Comes Kagura

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Narrators Pov

   After hearing both twins were living with Shigure, Kagura Sohma, the Pig of the zodiac, pays Kyo and Y/n a visit, much to their surprise . Tohru is even more  surprised to discover that Kagura is actually older than them, despite her appearance. Kagura is madly in love with Kyo, and Y/n is apparently her "BFF" she is displayed as having dislocated  identity  disorder . Kagura is clumsy and ill-mannered, and causes quite the ruckus in the household. At first Kagura is envious of Tohru, due to her living situation with Kyo, but she ends up befriending Tohru before departing.

  Let's hope for the twins safety shall we?...

Kyo's Pov

  Me and Y/n were sparing outside, we've never actually gotten to spend time like this before I think having a flashback.


  Me and Y/n were inside the house with mother she was making sure we had our bracelets on,Y/n and I were outcasts, but they were more evil to her than me.She probably doesn't remember, but when I left her I was a evil jerk and I had whole in my heart the entire time.I know sad right.

  I wonder what happened to her,I think I'll ask her...Just not now.

Back to Present day...

  Me and Y/n went back inside to have some tea just as we were about take a sip we saw the tatami door heading right for us,unfortunately and Y/n both still got hit by it.

  "Shigure do you know where my Kyo and Y/n are? "I heard a familiar girls voice ask innocently to shigure.

   Just then the tatami mat door went flying and hit the twins.

    "Huh Shigure who is that?" Kagura and Throu asked at the same time.

   "Kagura this is Throu,Throu this Kagura."Shigure says getting more serious than all of a sudden changes his facial expression to ditzy and stupid.

   "Okay then later!"Kagura yells running out of the room.

  "Damn that Kagura, how can she be older than us and still have more energy then us."Y/n says.

  "Wait Kagura is older than us,I would have even guessed that she was younger than us ."Throu says clearly very confused.

"KYO THE LOVE MY LIFE, I MISSED YOU!"Kagura shouted squeezing the life out of me."YOU TO Y/N MY VERY BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD!"she shouted squeezing the life out of Y/n.

  "Would everyone like to have lunch now."Yuki asked walking placing dishes on the table.

   "Hey Kagura maybe Kyo would like some more tea."Y/n said to her "BFF"Who was sitting in between the twins.

   "N-no I'm fi-"He was cut off.

  "Nonesense I know my brother and he loves tea."She said snickering.

   Kagura then attempted to pour Kyo his tea,but then accidentally spilled tea on his head.

  "Oh no I'm so sorry!"She exclaimed happily.

...After Lunch...

  "Okay now to get started on the housework!"Yuki called.

   "No way!"Y/n yelled trying to run away.

   "I don't think so!"Yuki said grabbing her by the collar.

   She sighed."Fine let's go rat

2 hours later...

  The house is clean,Kagura is leaving,Kyo and Y/n are still in one piece,and Akito has asked to see the twins.


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