Akito Enters

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  "Kyo! What the hell are you nuts!"He yelled hugging me.


   "Listen Y/n, Kyo is your brother okay? Even if you don't believe me or him because your memory is gone. Don't forget this. He loves you the most in the whole world."With that Yuki left the two alone.

Kyo's Pov

   Yuki and Shigure had gone to the main house to inform Akito about Y/n losing her memory, Thoru was sent away since Akito can be unpredictable at times. "Kyo, were we really close?"She asked and I smiled.

  "Yeah we were really close, but I did make a dumb mess up not to far back. This the reason why you don't remember me is all my fault." I looked down.

   "How is it your fault?"She asked.

  "Well, we were on our way home. We were staying late since you had cleaning duty, and I waited for you." I began.

   "That doesn't seem like you, especially after what Yuki said." She mumbled under her breath.

   "On our way home you told me that you still planned on marrying Akito, and I got mad. I told you that if you were going to do that, that'd I never want to see you again." I looked down in disappointment.

  "Akito..." She listened to the name.

   "You cried for one of the few times in your life in front of me, and then you ran away. I didn't turn back until I heard a screech, but by than it was too late." He sighed. "I'm sorry."

   She held my hand smiled. "Wether or not my memory is back or not I forgive you." I smiled down at her and ruffled her her hair.

   "You getting mushy on me carrot top?" I asked.

   "If you haven't noticed we have the same hair color!" She yelled and I laughed.

  "Yea...yea we do."I smiled.

Random Pov

    Just then Akito burst in and marched over to Kyo. "You unitellegent mongrel!" He yelled and punched Kyo in the face.

   Kyo stayed on the ground, Akito turned his attention to Y/n and he held her wrist tightly. "Ow it hurts." She whined quietly.

   "Hurry and gather your things your coming with me."With that he kicked Kyo and left the room


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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