Those Three Words

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The women arrived at Emma's place and it wasn't long before Regina was snuggled up comfortably on Emma's sofa with a cup of coffee in hand. She told Emma that she was feeling better but Emma could tell that she still had a million things running through her head. As Emma was about to sit down next to the drained woman she heard a knock at the door.

"That should be Killian I text him and asked him to walk Skittles down. It will just take me a second okay?" Regina nodded and smiled and Emma walked out of the room and to the door.

"Hey how is she doing?" Killian asked when Emma opened the door letting a very excited Skittles in.

"She's okay. She had fallen asleep earlier which is why she wasn't responding. She is upset and worried but I think she will be okay."

"Well I'm glad you went to her."

"Yeah me too. Hey, thanks for everything these last two days. I really appreciate it."

"I know Swan." Killian smiled. "Alright you have a good evening." He handed Skittles leash to Emma and turned to walk down the path. "Tell Regina I said hi and chin up now."

"I will, bye!"

Emma closed the door and hung Skittles leash up on the hook by her car keys. She went to the kitchen and filled up her water dish and gave her princess a treat. She could tell that Skittles and Bruno had been playing all day as the poor girl looked utterly exhausted. Skittles took her treat and trotted off down the hall to Emma's bedroom.

Emma walked back to the living room and Regina was in the same spot slowly sipping her coffee.

"How are you doing love?" Emma asked as she sat down next to the woman.

"I will be okay," Regina smiled softly.

Emma nodded. "Is there anything I can do? Have you eaten? Are you hungry?"

Regina shook her head no, "I really don't have much of an appetite."

"Well then do you mind if I eat?" Emma laughed. "I haven't eaten anything since lunch and after working out I am starving!"

Regina laughed, "Of course I don't mind."

"Okay, I'm going to go change really quick and then make a salad. Feel free to turn the television on if you'd like."

Regina nodded and Emma kissed her on the forehead before walking down the hallway into her bedroom.


About twenty minutes had passed as Emma had decided to jump in the shower quickly before changing and she returned with a large salad bowl. She sat on the couch next to Regina who was playing Candy Crush on her phone.

"Candy Crush?" Emma giggled.

"Yes. Problem?"

Emma laughed, "No not at all. I just didn't think of you as a Candy Crush type is all."

Regina smiled, "It's my guilty pleasure okay."

Emma nodded and took a big bite of her salad. Regina looked over out of the corner of her eye. Emma smiled as she felt the beauty eye balling her food.

"Are you sure you are not hungry? I do make a pretty good salad..."

Regina smiled, "Maybe just a bite or two." Emma held a fork full out for her and Regina took a bite.

"Mm, that's yummy."

"You should try my grilled cheese."

Regina shook her head, "Oh my."

Emma ended up turning the television on and the two watched a program on HGTV while taking turns eating the giant salad. They sat in silence just enjoying each other's company and the food.

"This is nice." Regina said when a commercial came on and the bowl was almost empty.

"Yeah it really is. Usually around this time I'm almost passed out on the couch with Skittles on my lap watching a Friends rerun."

Regina giggled. "Yeah I am usually still at work."

"And what do you do when you got home from work?"

"Usually go home, pour a glass of wine, and play on my phone until I fell asleep. Exciting huh?"

Emma leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "You know, it could be like this every night."

Regina looked into the beautiful blue green eyes staring back at her. "What do you mean?"

"This. Us. Cuddled up on the couch, having dinner, talking about our day or just enjoying each other's could be this way every night."


"Yeah, I mean, please don't freak out but I really like you Regina. And I don't mean I just want to date you and hope that it works out like you, I mean I really really like you. I mean I can't stop thinking about you every second of the day since the second I saw you like you. The first time we kissed I have never ever felt anything like that before. Ever."

"Me either Emma..."

"Okay, so, you just quit your job," Regina sighed, "no please don't get upset I know you might not see it now but I promise it is a good thing. You know that right now you can't stay where you are living that place is insanely expensive. So, move in with me?"


"Move in with me...seriously...I mean I know it's I'm thinking I'm crazy right now at this very second that these words are coming out of my mouth...I am's been like what four I am freaking nuts...but it's right...I know it is...move in with me Regina! I know that it will work out. I know that we are meant to be together. For the first time in my life I know why everything has played out the way that it was so that I could meet with you and be with are my person. You are the one I am supposed to be with....."

Regina leaned forward and crashed her lips onto Emma's before Emma could say another word. Her mind was spinning with everything the blonde just said. Yes, it was crazy. It was absolutely crazy. Who does that? Who asks the woman that she has been seeing for four days to move in with her? Emma Swan does that's who. That is why Regina knows that this is right. That is why Regina doesn't doubt this for a second.

"Yes," Regina smiled as they pulled apart. "Yes, I will!"

"Yes? You will?" Emma jumped up sending the salad bowl crashing to the floor and Skittles to come running down the hall from the bedroom. "You don't think I'm crazy?"

"Oh you are totally crazy! But I love it!" Regina said standing up and grabbing the blonde's hands. "And you know what, I love you Emma Swan."

Emma stared into the beautiful brown eyes looking into hers that were now filling with tears.

"I love you too Regina." Their lips met againand it felt like they were kissing for the first time all over again. Theentire world went silent, except for Skittles crunching at the lettuce that hadfallen on the floor, and they stayed wrapped in each other's embrace for whatfelt like days. 

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