The Visit

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The home inspection went wonderfully despite Regina and Emma not speaking to each other. Diane was impressed with everything and was happy to hear that they were going to be moving into the house that Emma grew up in. The women were delighted to hear that they were getting a chance to meet up with Henry this weekend as well.

The car ride home was silent. The only thing you could hear was the hum of the road underneath them. Regina had left her car at Mary and David's and they rode together in Emma's Jeep. When they arrived at home Emma turned the jeep off and sighed hoping that Regina would say something but the woman just climbed out of the car and began to walk to the door.

Emma was facing two choices here she could go inside and face this or she could go to the gym and calm down. She turned the key in the ignition and backed out of the driveway.


Two hours later Emma arrived home feeling relaxed and ready to talk to Regina. She knows that whatever happens between Belle and Killian is between them and even though she will be there to support her friend she cannot let it come between her and the woman she loves more than anything.

"Babe, we need to talk," Emma called out as she walked through the door and Skittles approached her.

"Regina?" Emma called again after not getting a response. She walked down the hallway to the bedroom after already checking the living room and the kitchen. Her heart started to race after she didn't see her and saw a note on her pillow.


I don't know why you left or where you went but I don't handle being left alone very well. I thought you knew that. I called a cab and went to my townhome. If you decide that you can talk to me then feel free to come over.

Shit. Emma threw the note down on the bed and ran down the hall. She grabbed her keys from the hook by the door and flew out of the house letting the front door slam shut behind her.

The entire drive to Regina's was a blur. Her mind was racing with what ifs. She was terrified that Regina would relapse again. She was terrified that that would in turn mess up the adoption process with Henry. She was scared that Regina would end things with her. There were so many things to worry about and it was all her fault. Why did I have to be so selfish and go to the gym? Why couldn't I just stay and talk to her?

When Emma finally made it to the townhouse door she didn't waste any time and began knocking and yelling for the other woman. Luckily Regina opened quickly and Emma felt like she took the first breath she had taken in an hour when she saw her face.

"Oh thank god you are okay," Emma said as she pushed past the door and embraced the other woman.

"I'm fine. I'm angry, but fine." Regina replied arms hanging down at her side.

"Regina I am so sorry. I was selfish and I should have told you where I was going. Better yet I should have stayed and talked to you until we worked it out. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"Where did you go?" Regina asked sternly as she pulled out of the blonde's grip.

"I just went to the gym babe. We hadn't spoken in a few hours and I knew we were both upset and I didn't want to fight all night. I knew if I went inside we would just scream at each other about their issues and I didn't want to do that. So I went to the gym to blow off some steam and calm down so that when I came back we could just talk."

Regina stood there for a minute. She wanted to be angry but she knew that Emma was right. They would have fought. They would have screamed at each other all night over a problem that wasn't even their problem.

"Okay...I get it...but please next time at least tell me that you are going so I don't sit there and worry about where you are going and if or when you are coming back? I don't handle that well."

"I promise." Emma nodded her head and pulled Regina into her embrace again. This time Regina accepted and returned the gesture. "Can we go home now? I don't like being here."

"Yes! I don't either." Regina sighed and grabbed her bag that she never unpacked.


"Do you think he is as excited as we are?" Emma asked as they pulled into Starbucks.

"I don't know babe, I hope so!"

The women were getting ready to meet with Henry for the first time since Diane took them out of their home a month ago. It was only going to be for an hour and Diane was going to be there too. They didn't care about the details though they were just so excited to see him.

As they walked in they saw Diane in a corner table sipping her drink but they quickly grew nervous when they didn't see Henry with her.

"Hey Diane, oh my god is everything okay?" Emma asked scared.

"What? Why?" Diane replied growing nervous at the woman's facial expressions.

"Where is Henry?" Regina asked looking around.

"Oh," Diane chuckled, "He is in the restroom. Sorry about that."

Both women let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god! Okay, I'm going to go grab us some drinks." Regina said as she headed towards the line and Emma took a seat.

"So how are you today?" Diane asked.

"Good, excited to see him!"

"He is excited to see you guys too! He was pretty talkative on the ride here and that was a first."

Both women laughed and then Emma looked up to see Henry approaching the table. He looked as if he had grown a few inches in the short time since she had seen him. When they made eye contact she received a big beaming smile.

"Hey kid!" Emma said standing up to greet him.

"Emma!" Henry smiled and grabbed her wrapping her in a tight hug.

"Whoa, hey Henry!" Emma felt tears form in her eyes. "I've missed you kid!"

"I've missed you so much Emma! Is Regina here? Am I going home with you today?" Henry squealed. Diane and Emma exchanged looks and Emma felt a tear roll down her cheek.

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