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His eyes. Those beautiful green eyes. I see someone in them, a side of himself he doesn't show others. A damaged boy, a hurt boy with a broken heart. Behind those rings of golden hazel and green there's a black wall. The black trying too hide behind the beautiful colours. He knows, his eyes know that no one wants too see the dark side of a soul. He's been outcasted. Abandoned by his father. This I know but he chooses not too show the pain. But his eyes can't hide it. not from me. His secrets lay behind the gold and the green. Does he want me too see? To see him for who he is? Who he hides away. I feel it before we kiss. A reason our connection is blocked. A cold blade trying too cut the ties our hearts share. The way his pupils grow when he looks at me. He tells me it means nothing too keep the darkness from taking over, from pushing the gold and green aside. He doesn't want me too see the secrets but I long to know them. I've never wanted something so much in my life. A beautiful boy with a mind that paints my world with colours, but when his eyes turn dark an endless black hole I feel a different spark, if I look too far will I get pulled in also? Will I become another secret pushed away behind the beautiful.

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