Part 1.1 - Anesthesia

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Oh did I forget to mention that there will be slight EreJean please don't hate on me I'm trying! Anyways enjoy sexiness of Levi... Oh and sexy pictures below....

Levi Ackerman age 19

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Levi Ackerman age 19

Status: S-class Alpha

Rut Period: None

Relationship: Unmated 

Crush: Tch... no one....

Eren Jaegar age 17

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Eren Jaegar age 17

Status: S-class Omega

Heat Period: None

Relationship: Unmated 

Crush: Old school- Jean... New School- Levi

Part 1.1


Eren Jaeger the new transfer from Germany walks into the third year classroom popping his minty bubblegum in his mouth making the teacher swivel her head in his direction. Her dark grey eyes narrowing slightly at the muscular emo child. His dark brown hair long and hanging neatly over one of his gorgeous eyes. They were green at the top, then faded to a turquoise blue sprinkled with golden specks near the bottom, they held a tight emerald green glow around his pupil making his eyes seem like they were glowing, his naturally dark skin muscled up and smooth looking. Even the teachers eyes widened at the boy. He tilted his head slightly, his hair falling away from his face revealing yet another gorgeous eye, a crooked-smile adorning his lips. The teacher immediately blushed and starting stuttering out directions of where he should sit. He nodded and went to sit next to the boy with the black hair and piercing silver eyes, his skin paler than the moon. His skin was not an unhealthy pale it was an insanely sexy, vampiric pale that sent Eren into heat at the sight. Yes Eren as gorgeous as he was was an Omega. An unmated Omega that just took interest in an out-of-reach Alpha with a beta girfriend. Little did Eren know he sent Levi into heat by the sight of him. Their inner Alpha and Omega screaming mate and struggling to take over the said males bodies. It took a lot of willpower to not rip each other's clothes off in the middle of class...

Eren sighed and began drawing in his sketch pad. Allowing the pen to take over his body, the pen taking control of his hand and making the picture he was so unaware a certain silver-eyed Alpha was watching his draw. Levi smirked as he watched the brat beside him draw a boy staring off in the distance with no emotion as tears fell down his cheeks, the shading making him seem dead, along with the light reflecting on the drawing making the eyes seem so full of emotion it made Levi feel like he was looking at an actual person. The drawing spoke to him as Eren continued to draw. Finally he focused on the hair which seemed to gain the illusion of fluttering in an unseen breeze the shading making it seem like the boy was sitting under a tree, judging by the leaves and the amount of shading he was giving the illusion of sunlight beating down on his face. Levi began to grow confused when Eren started drawing another head in the boy's lap, the boys hand softly tangling in the black locks. It seemed, judging by the long dark hair, to be a young girl about the age of seven. The girl looked to be asleep her long black lashes sweeping across her cheekbones as a faint flush adorned her pale cheeks. The coloring seeming to look like Eren and some other person who strangely looked like a female-version of Levi. Levi leaned over and studied the girl who seemed to have a slight smile on her face. Eren slowly opened his eyes staring at the drawing which made tears fill his eyes as he ran his hand along the girl's face. "I draw her again." he said out loud as the bell rung. Levi stood up and stopped beside the brat for second studying the drawing one last time before making his way out of the classroom..

Levi's POV,

I sighed my mind wandering back to that gorgeous green eyed brat from Homeroom this morning.He was a Junior and only two years younger than me and totally hot!... Wait Hot? No way! There is no way you like a boy Levi. You have a girlfriend...

But.. he's your mate.. You have to except him...

I rolled my eyes at my Alpha.

Yeah, but I'm a guy... I'm not gay... Sure he's gorgeous but I couldn't accept a male as my mate...

My Alpha growled lowly and I felt a searing pain in my chest making my body crash to the ground racking in pain. I felt soft feather like hands wrap around my arms helping me stand up. The familiar brown hair tickled my skin as he held my in his arms, his long hair lightly brushing against my neck. I felt my Alpha immediately calm down at the feeling of my mate holding me close.

See... your mate helps you even when he knows you hate him. You're an inconsiderate bastard who doesn't care about anything other than his pride and reputation.

I sighed and let all that pride and caring about reputation go as I leaned against his shoulder breathing in his scent. His smell was intoxicating. A mixture of wild roses and honey-dew, mixed with something I can't really put a name to. He smelled as good as he looked. I wondered what I smelled like to him... I wondered if my smell made him melt as well. I was oddly turned on by him being that close to me. Instinctively my nose nuzzled into his scent gland. He tensed slightly before tilting his head lightly to the side, exposing his scent gland fully submitting to me now. I whimpered and flicked my tongue out against it. My body instantly craving more of the boy who weakened next to me, as my mouth became glued onto his scent gland, marking him. He let out a soft submissive whine as his body melted into mine. 

I am so sorry... the smut will continue in the next part 1 chapter 2... Anyways... hope you enjoyed also next chapter of Darkness Descends should be out by Wednesday this week. So be ready because that chapter has more smut than I've ever written in my entire writing career.....


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