Prologue Part 2

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Part 2- Prologue

"MIKASA!!! No... Please! Come on! You have to fucking wake up! Please..." the young boy's oceanic eyes filled with tears as the woman behind him held him close to her bosom trying to hold herself as well as her son together. He needed a strong person to care for him, and love him.  "Eren, you need to be strong! She's gone Eren, she's gone and you're never gonna get her back." his mother's honey silk voice rang through his ears as he went limp in his mothers hold. "mmm..."a soft whimper escaped Eren's lips as he turned around to face his mother with tear streaked cheeks, and red eyes....

"Today, we are gathered in this holy building for the memorial service of Mikasa Sakura Jaeger who has been declared completely dead, after being brain dead from the cancer that was growing from her kidney's to her brain. We are to remember her, for the wonderful, cheerful child she was before the horrid destruction that cancer has brought us all here today. We will now sing hymn number 100 Nearer My God To Thee... Please stand and open your books. Afterwards we will have the open ceremony, and body viewing." the priest had spoken out sitting down in his chair, as the quorum of people grabbed their books, and began to sing the song...

  "She's so pale mom. It's so wrong. She's not supposed to look like that!" Eren cried into his mother's black dress, his tears causing darker black splotches to form in the places they wet. His sister lay still, cold, and silent in the coffin before them. Eren didn't dare to touch her. He was afraid that the feeling of her cold skin would make everything truly real. He didn't want that. He wanted to remember the days before cancer had entered his sisters life. Cancer ruined their life and to know that it had taken his sisters life spread fear through Eren's body. What if it took his mom too? Maybe him? He didn't know but he did know that he wished this fate upon not even his worst enemy. He understood the pain of losing a loved one to cancer.

     As Eren looked away from the coffin and back up at his mother, he noticed the silvery strands of tears glinting in the moonlight as the streamed down her cheeks, coloring them a bright rosy red as well as her nose. Her eyes were rimmed with dark bags, adding to the exhaustion written upon her face. Eren suddenly felt bad. He had been the cause of his mothers stress even after Mikasa died, he still caused her stress. Yet, she never once complained. He wondered why? Why did she never complain when she could have? Why didn't she just get rid of him when she had the chance? Why did she have to go through much pain and stress for him?

     Well, that's what mother's do....

     They do everything without complaint even when you do cause her stress.
     They love you even past all the scars and the insecurities.
     Somehow they always know when you're feeling down and need a helping hand.
      Eren loved his mother, but not as much as she loved him...

I am so sorry this is almost two in a half months late but I felt hired since Rene is constantly sleeping or Danny has him at work. It has been so unbelievably hard getting past what happened last week. We just found out that my mom has cancer inside her uterus and she needs chemotherapy next week. I just want to say that I am so sorry for anyone who has, or is having someone they know and love, that is suffering from cancer. I love all of you and I hope I did a fairly good job whipping something up for the past 45 minutes it took me to write this. Any who, have a great Thursday people


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