Part 2.2

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Part 2.2


Levi's POV,

My eyes were wide at the news my mate just shared with me. His eyes were shining with tears, his cheeks flushed, eyes red, nose runny, and voice cracking, "H-how?" He visible flinched making me sigh. "I-I... Okay." (Flashback from part 2.1) He told me the story about everything that happened in his past causing me to stare at him with tears the edge of my vision. "How. How could she do that? You didn't kill your parents Eren. Your mom killed herself and your father. She went to shit because of your sisters death. She got cancer that wasn't your fault. I still love you. I still want you. You're my everything." I whispered leaning in to place a soft loving kiss to my brat's full pink lips. He supped into my lips as ours gently moved in sink with each other. " Mmm... Levi take me again please? I need it. I need you. I-I- hmm- n-need youuuu~ Oh fuck! Mmm. Ooh~ Levi~ Hmm ah. Oh fu-fuck~" I had reached down between us and began pumping his hardened cock, causing Eren to erupt into a series of delicious moans. I moaned along with him due to the way his moans turned me on. "Eren! You are so fucking sexy. Mm~ Oh fuck, baby you are amazing." I removed our clothing as slowly as possible causing little shivers of pleasure to rush down my spine, making me twitch slightly. His cerulean green eyes stared up at me from his dark thick lashes, with pleasured tears pricking the corner of his eyes. "L-Levi~ Hurry u-u un~ Ooh! F-fuck! D-deeper Levi~" I had thrusted a finger into him mid sentence, making lewd moans escape his lips, as the tears slid down his face. "Baby? Hey! Eren! Are you okay?" I asked gently rubbing the tears away from his cheeks, my brows furrowed with concern for my mate. He just whined needily and began to push back against my fingers, which now amounted to three. His face twisted up in pleasure as the tears ran down his cheeks faster than before. "I-I.. Mmm~ Oh fu-uck. Am s-so h-happy. I-I love you so much!" Eren said in a breathless tone, his voice sounding like wind, and a sexual song.

I was drunk on lust as I finally was able to thrust my hardened cock into my mates tight, stretched opening. He sucked in a sharp breath on air through his nose, causing a soft squeak to come of the body part as the air whistled through his nasal passages. His breath reduced to sharp gasps and pants. I let out a low moan as my hips met with his thighs, my balls hanging heavily below where we were connected together in the most intimate of ways. A sheen line of sweat had begun to gather on my brow as Eren nodded his head shakily, brunette hair fanning out on the pillow below his head. His gorgeous eyes glowed a golden brown, so different from his Cerulean green, I was almost convinced this wasn't Eren. I was technically correct, for the man I had below me felt, looked, smelled exactly the same as Eren, but it wasn't the Eren I was used to. This was Eren's omega coming for a taste of his Alpha, so I gave into my Alpha's urge to fuck his own mate, seeming as I had already fucked mine. So hey! Why not?...

Levi's Alpha

Hanska could feel where his omega and him were connected as he began to test the waters of his mates slick filled cavern. He rotated his hips inside his mate causing Kitchi to moan out below Hanska as a sign that he was indeed enjoying the way his Alpha was treating him. "Oh~ Yes!~ H-Hanska! Mmm~ F-fuck d-deeper~ Please~ I-I want it dee- oh shit yes~ Un, mhn, k-keep doing that~ Ooh~ hit it harder Hanska, h-hit it h-hard~ mmph." Kitchi had begun to thrust upwards towards his mated large erection as a sign that he wasn't patient, and he didn't want it slow and sensual, he was out to get fucked by his Alpha, and fucked he was going to get.

Hanska let out a low growl as he watched his mate drool all over the dark red sheets below their bodies as they were deeply connected over and over again. His hips seemed to have a mind of their own as they gained speed, driven by the lust seeping from his mates whined words. He thrusted deeper, trying to reach places his human hadn't been able to reach. You see, an Alpha's dick is grow the size their mates prefer. Hanska's mate Kitchi must prefer 14 inches long and 3 inches thick of hardened flesh pushing into him at lightning speed, and still gaining some more. While Levi's mate Eren must prefer to have 12 inches long 2 inches thick of hardened flesh pounding into him over and over again. Hanska was thrown out of his own thoughts at a voice so soft it felt like it silk against his eardrums as the voice spoke dirty promises into his overly sensitive body parts. Hanska moaned lowly into Kitchi's left ear as he laid his head down on the pillow beside him. "F-Fuck H-Hanska!" Kitchi moaned out as he orgasmed to the soft hand of his alpha stroking him harshly, as well as the overstimulation of his alpha's 14 inch, thick cock slamming into his prostate. Hanska followed soon after with a guttural growl inside the smaller brunette who let out a soft moan as he was too exhausted to continue to be in control of his human's body. Eren whined as he came to, staring into the glowing blue eyes of his mate's alpha Hanska. Hanska stared down into the most gorgeous eyes, aside from Kitchi's, he had ever seen. They were Emerald green fading into a sapphire blue, with sprinkles of gold around his pupil. His human truly did possess the perfect mate. Then again Eren was also his mate technically. Hanska thrusted into the brunette's body with his now 12 inch long cock, making the brunette whine in pleasure. "W-what's y-your name? You're my mates alpha right?" Eren whispered softly as he began to move his hips up to feel more of the thick cock that filled him up so nicely. "Hanska little one. My name is Hanska." the deeper undertones of the alpha's voice reverberated through Eren's skull, making his back arch up towards Hanska at the voice that sounded like a sexier version Levi's. "Oh yes~ Oh Hanska! Mmm... You feel so good inside me~" Eren moaned out as Hanska was slightly troubled by the slightly deeper voice that Eren owned, for Kitchi had a slightly more feminine, and silky soft voice. Eren was his humans mate. Kitchi was his. Even though Kitchi had been in Eren's body when he emerged, his body was morphed into a more shapely figure than Eren's. Hanska preferred Kitchi's form but he loved Eren's body as well. With those thoughts running through his head he allowed for his human to also take control so he could fuck his Eren.

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