Cant Handle These Lumps

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"So, mister Lee, next question from your fans! This one's gotten A LOT of retweets, wow! So, it says, and I quote, 'You could've dated any hot model easily but you still chose 'that guy' (you know who)" she says in brackets "just curious why you didn't go for something a lot better. Signed, your biggest fan." The anchor looked a bit weary, her smile completely saying how uncomfortable she was with that question and knew how rude it sounded but it wasn't her place to not ask. She was given questions and forced to ask.

Marshall on the other hand, one of the most famous singers who also doubled as the best model was clearly offended. "Biggest fan..." He mumbled before scoffing. He ran a hand through his hair as if he were thinking up a reply, his angered expression replaced with a quirky smirk quickly, a moment of fan-service for the viewers. "Well, I couldn't find anything better." He simply stated, moving his hands back in front of him and clasping them in a professional manner. "He's smart, he's talented, he makes me happy, he knows my likes and dislikes, he's beautiful and I know why this question was asked. Because he's a little over weight, right? And that's perfect for me because of that, he gives the best hugs in the world! I don't want anything else and I don't think I'd be happier with anyone else in the world besides my, Barnaby." A genuine smile was on the musicians' lips, encouraging everyone at the studio to let out an elongated 'AW' of adoration. Some viewers, of course, weren't pleased by the answer. Jealousy and hate raging through their veins but Marshall could care less. It's not the first time he's gotten hate.

The anchor was now not uncomfortable at all, but rather pleased by the others answer and hoped that she could meet the other after the show and clarify how supportive she was of their relationship. "Moving on to the next ques-..." Her voice was cut off by a soft click.


"Oh, come on bubs! The next question was the best one!" Marshall groaned, complaining to his boyfriend who's lap he was cuddling in to.

Gumball sat on his bed with a sour expression, not liking what the TV was showing him and therefore, had turned it off. He knew that Marshall loved him and he loved him back just as much but Marshall was a top notch model whilst he was an overweight nerd. "You know you didn't have to lie, right?" He spoke softly as he put the remote on to the bed side table, right before laying down next to his boyfriend. Gumball wasn't really obese but he was close to it, something he was since the day he was born and was bullied about a lot --even by Marshall but that was when they were 6. The media obviously hated this because a hot model should always be with another hot model or someone equally as hot or famous and no one else, that was a rule set in stone. If the model didn't approve, they'd either have to stay single forever or be kicked out of the company they model for albeit for Marshall, it was quite the opposite. He was getting more publicity and sponsors because of how stupidly stubborn he was being about this. 'Hot model chooses an obese partner' seemed to be every newspapers headline.

Marshall squinted his eyes, looking at the other in disbelief for a moment before climbing on top of the other and laying on the others chest, forcing Gumball to breath slightly heavily. "I didn't lie. I meant what I said there." Before Gumball could protest, Marshall placed a soft kiss on the others chin, shushing the others remark momentarily. "I love you so much, Barnaby. I don't care what others have to say. I'm the one who's known you since you were a chubby little five-year-old and I'm the one who's dating you, years after. They can all suck a big ol' bag of d-..."

"Marshall!" Gumball interrupted, giving the others back a soft tap to 'punish' the other for using such language, only getting a chuckle from Marshall. "I know but still... Wouldn't it have been better if you dated that sports model, Fionna? She was beautiful in every way and I'm just 'big' in every way..." he sighed, having super low self esteem and confidence to compliment himself or appreciate what he had. Honestly, it wasn't even his fault he was so chubby, it was his works. He always ate and baked to cope with his stress and his job included A LOT of stress. And besides, he doesn't like the term fat, he preferred 'big boned'. Marshall didn't like that though, he preferred Gumball as is and no other way.

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