Chapter 1: An average day

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It was my senior year of high school, where its suppose to be the best year but for me it was just another average year, that's until it all happened...


"Ya Leesa wake up. Its 7:16am" my mom shook me.

I groaned as I stubbornly did not want to go to school.

"Hey you're gonna be late" she shook me as I looked at the time and jumped off the bed.

"I'm going to miss the bus!" I shouted as I ran into the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth, threw on clean jeans, and a plain shirt. I grabbed my shoes slipping them on as I checked the time seeing that it was 7:30.

"15 more minutes before I run to the bus" I said as I grabbed my backpack throwing everything inside.

I turned my phone on and checked to see if I had any messages from my friends. My phone piled up with messages from most of my friends.

"Is there a late start today?" -Vale

"Today's a late start?"-Reyma

"Fog delay today?"- Coco

"Don't be late!" -Sarita

"Late start today Leesa" -the twins Deja and Brejea

"Hey dude there's a late start. I'm off back to bed" -Iman

"Great" I said as I looked at the clock seeing that school didn't start for another hour.

I looked outside seeing the pitch fog all over. I sighed as I walked into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I grabbed the cream cheese. I grabbed the bagels on the table and began eating as I watched the news from the living room.

"Why aren't you at school yet?" my mom asked.

"It doesn't start until 9:37am" I said as I continued to watch.

"The weather today will be extremely stormy. Lots of rain and wind" the news lady said as I took another bite out of the bagel.

"Here bring this umbrella and sweater. Its going to be really cold"she said as I nodded.

I laid back in bed and stuck my earphones in listening to my usual music on my phone. I shut my eyes for a bit as my mom touched my shoulder causing me to jump.

"What?!" I said as I sat up.

I pulled my earphones out.

"I made you your lunch" she said handing me the container.

"Thanks" I said as I grabbed my backpack and decided to head out early.

The fog was getting thicker making it harder to see through. I continued to walk down my block to the bus stop which wasn't that far. The fog was so thick you could hardly see a car from 10 feet away. I managed to find my way to the bus stop and sat down. I waited still, alone as the song-  Pyramid by Charice and Iyaz played in my earphones as I continued to wait.

The bus finally arrived but something felt odd about the bus today. It was completely empty. The only person on the bus was me and the driver.

"Next stop 3rd & Rival" the announcer said as I looked out of the window like any other day except the fact no one was on the bus.

The bus stopped as I saw my two twin friends, Deja and Brejea.

"Hey Leesa! Wow today's really foggy" Brejea said as they both spotted me in the back waving.

They quickly walked over and sat behind me.

"Wow the bus is empty. I'm surprised the fogs so thick at this time" Deja said as I checked the time on my phone.

"I know right and its already 8:45" I said as we all looked out of the windows.

"Next stop 8th & Palm" the announcer said.

"You can hardly see anything" I said as they nodded.

"They should've just cancelled school today" Deja said as I agreed.

The bus made the stop as I saw another friend getting on the bus.

"Ayy its Coco" Brejea said as she walked over to us.

"Hey guys. Dude this fog is so thick" Coco said sitting on the seats beside us.

"Next stop Columbia & Calio" the announcer said as we all pulled the request wire.

We all laughed as the bus stopped.

"Thank you" we all said as we got off.

"Eww school" I said yawning as we crossed the street over to the school.

The twins shook me.

"Wake up Leesa" they said as I laughed.

"What time did you sleep yesterday?" Coco asked.

"Uhh...around 12-ish I think" I said as they all shook their heads.

"Hey!" someone shouted from behind us as we all turned around seeing Iman, Sarita, and Reyma.

"Ayy Iman, Sarita, and Reyma" the twins shouted as we all hugged.

The bell rang as we all said our goodbyes.

"Bye guys" I said as we all walked different ways to our class.

I walked up to the second floor of the building as I unlocked my locker grabbing my math book. I closed my locker and hurried to my class as the late bell rang. I luckily made it as I sat down out of breath.

"Alright class today we will be taking a pop quiz to begin our class and then we will be picking partners from this hat to decide who will be your math buddy for the ending project of our math lab. So put everything away" Mr. Thompson said as everyone groaned while he passed out the quiz.

An eye caught my attention from across the room. It was my freshman crush that led until this day. He was the school quarterback for football and one of the popular kids at the school. He'd always look at me every time I entered the room. Luckily I only had him for this class and my English class.

"5 more minutes for this quiz" Mr. Thompson said as I stopped gazing and snapped back to the quiz.

I quickly finished as Mr. Thompson collected them.

"Time for the hat everyone. No switching off partners once you get them. I will be checking them once you get them and write down both you and your new partners names" he said as he held the hat in front of me.

I frowned as I stuck my hand into the hat filled with names. I closed my eyes and quickly pulled my hand away. I slowly opened it seeing the letters clear in front of me.

"Ah. Leesa and Josh. Alright next" he said as he moved on to the person behind me.

My heart raced as I felt myself panicking at the fact of having to do the project with him. Once the whole class found their partners, Mr. Thompson handed us a paper for the project as the bell to change periods rang. I dashed out of the room and to my second period.

"Ah I brought my math book for no reason" I said as I opened my locker and shoved the book into the locker.

I closed my locker and turned to my right as I jumped seeing Josh beside me leaning against the lockers.

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