Chapter 3: You Didn't

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It was my first night here, but I feel like I've known them for much longer. Is that just a sibling thing? Well anyways, it was around 2 in the morning, and I was having trouble sleeping. I rested my arms behind my head, stared up at the ceiling, and sat their pondering.
  My thoughts were abrupt shortly through by the sounds of fluttering wings and the quick arrival of Castiel.
I jumped at his entrance and scolded him for startling me.
   "My lord Cas, you scared the shit out of me!" I grumbled. He lifted up my legs allowing himself to sit on the couch, and as I did in the car, placed them back on his lap, yet this time he wasn't annoyed. He had his arm hanging over the back of the couch in a more relaxed position. He proceeded to ask me a question, not even looking over at me as he did so.
"Y/n... Correct me if I'm wrong... But you feel uncomfortable here." He started. I gave him a confused gaze as he looked at me, our eyes meeting once more.
"Cas, why do you a-"
  I was cut off shortly.
  "There is no need to attempt to explain yourself, y/n."
  He said. I looked down in dismay as this angel just blankly read my thoughts.
  "Why do you want to go to Rhode Island?"
  He asked me. My eyes widened happily as I felt a warm sensation coarse through my veins at the sound of it. Rhode Island. Lord do I miss that place. I began to explain myself.
   "When I was around 10... I was placed in a new foster home in Rhode Island since the one I was at was basically a shit hole. The house there was beautiful. It was right on the ocean shore. Ailana was another foster child that had been placed there with me, we would walk the shores on a daily basis. Well shit, I knew every inch of that beach like the back of my hand. 'The Rocks', we called it, they were my favorite. There were these big boulders down the central staircase leading to massive tidepools. It was my happy place. I got transferred back to Lawrence around 15 years old."
I poured out to him. He said nothing, but took my hand in his and in the blink of an eye, I was standing on the dark misty shore of my childhood. I couldn't help but smile, and at that moment, something I never thought possible would happen... Castiel smiled, in fact... He laughed.
I knelt down and dug my hands into the sand, proceeding to rip off my socks, tie up my oversized shirt and sprint into the water. I immediately jumped straight into a wave, slickeing my wet hair back afterwards.
Looking over at Castiel, I noticed he had his hand on his head. He was chuckling and shaking his head in disbelief at how childish I was acting. I waved my hand telling him to get int the water, and that "The water was fine", but he insisted that he wouldn't. I put my hands together and gave him puppy dog eyes. He slumped over, giving in.
  "The things I do for you Winchesters."
  Hegroaned, tip-toeing his way into the water. I jumped up in excitement and splashed him with water.
  "What is that foul taste?!" He coughed, I couldn't help but laught at him.
  "That my friend, is pure salt water." I laughed.

"This is really what humans call 'fun'?" He shook his head. We ran the shores of the beach for what seemed like hours when all of a sudden Cas stopped dead in his tracks and looked me blankly in the eyes.

  "Sam and Dean..."
Is all he had to say until my eyes grew wide.
  "Oh shit!" We said in unison, knowing they would be worried that we were both M.I.A. Before you knew it he gabbed my arm and we reappeared at Bobby's house.
We stood before a frantic Sam and Dean, soaking wet, dripping and smelling of salt water, covered in sand. Dean stood up straight and looked at us. Cas and I looked at each other as I pulled a strand of seaweed off the top of his head.
   "You didn't" Dean declared. I smiled innocently as Cas took the blame.
  "I might have..."
  Castiel's voice grew quiet, he gave a little half smirk as well.
  "You two really went to the ocean... while y/n is being hunted down by demons..." He began to interrogate Castiel. I decided to break the awkwardness.
  "Well boys, I'd love to stay and chat, but I am chafing like sandpaper on wood." I stated, beginning to walk like a penguin with my thighs apart, keeping them from rubbing together anymore. I grabbed new clothes from my backpack and headed up to the bathroom to take a shower. Upstairs I found Bobby.
  "Jesus girl we've been looking all ov-..." Bobby began, "You went to the beach?..."
  He asked, most likely because of the sand covering my shirt and trail of watery footsteps leading up the stairs. I gave an innocent little laugh and nodded my head. He shook his head and walked passed me down the stairs.
I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I got undressed, tossing my wet, sandy clothes on a rack and stepped into the shower. It's been a long time since I've had a nice hot shower like this.
  I lathered my hair with a strawberry scented shampoo of my own and brushed out my hair with my fingers.
  I then heard the door open. I peaked out only to notice Dean walking towards the sink without a shirt on.
   "Do you not know how to knock?" I asked him, continuing to wash my hair.
  "There is no such thing as privacy in this family little sis. And besides, you aren't the only one who has to get ready." He stated, starting to shave in the mirror.
"Ugh... fine." I sighed. I was finally done with my shower when I noticed the big problem... I had no towel. This wouldn't really of been an issue if of course Dean weren't in the room.
  "Hey.. uh-  Dean... I have a problem..." I started to say.
  "If it's girl problems, I don't want to hear it." He remarked.
  "Girl pro- Jesus Dean! I need a towel!" I pointed out. He put his razor down on the counter of the sink.
  "You sure are bossy..." He said, tossing a towel towards me. I wrapped my hair up in the towel, and put my underwear and bra on in the shower, then stepped out so I could put on my pants and a shirt.
Dean looked back at me struggling to get pants on, and then back at the mirror.
  "Lord woman, warn a man when your gonna be like that." He testified, referring to me being only in a bra and underwear. I rolled my eyes.
  "No such thing as privacy in this family."
I mocked him, putting on my shirt. I left the bathroom and went downstairs where I found Bobby and Sam.
  Bobby was sitting at a desk making salt-filled shotgun rounds and Sam had his face stuck in his laptop. I pulled up a chair next to my brother and looked over to see what he was doing.
  "You know, y/n... You seem oddly, how do you say this... adjusted."
  I heard Bobby announce from behind. I leaned over my chair and shrugged at him.
  "Ain't that a good thing?" I asked, he shrugged and continued with his work. Dean slumped down the stairs with a towel around his shoulders.
  "Got anything, Sammy?" He asked. Sam slid the laptop over to Dean, and he nodded in agreement.
   "Ok lady and gents... pack your bags, we're heading to Oklahoma!"

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