Chapter 5: 'Psych'ic Ginger

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  I was sitting on the front porch of Bobby's. I had been staying here for a few days, being trained by Bobby on how to hunt other types of monsters. Sam and Dean wanted me to be more educated before taking me on a real, dangerous hunt. I sat there in my pajamas eating raspberries... typical Sunday morning. Dean and Sam were on their own hunt. I decided I wouldn't be stubborn and beg them to met me come. They are supposed to be returning today... So I'm just here, waiting.
Bobby is on his own hunt, he left yesterday and put Castiel in charge of watching me during the night until the boys got home, so during the day I was all by myself. I looked over to the sounds of someone... Although, it was not Castiel.
  I stood up quickly, dropping my raspberries in the process and pointed the shotgun I had next to me at this new being. It was a girl... She had red hair, black eyes. She had ashes falling from her clothes.
"Hello... y/n"
She smiled. I cocked the gun back and aimed it at her.
"W-who are you?!"
I demanded. She grinned looking around at the front of Bobby's house. I was feeling nervous.
"You know, I should have killed your brothers when I had the chance."
She chuckled. I began taking slight steps back.
"Who are you?" I demanded, attempting not to show fear.
"Oh don't worry sweet-pea, I ain't going to hurt you. Although... I do have people searching for you.... We can't have another slip up like your brothers again, can we?"
I started backing up, shaking my head.
"Listen lady, I don't know who your are or what the fuck you are talking about, but if you come one step closer I swear to G-"
"You swear to what? God?! Their isn't a God, no man upstairs!"
She laughed.
I screamed, turning around, ready to run and call for Cas, but I ended up running right into him.
"Cas!" I said in relief as woman standing there burned up into flames. I leant my head against his chest and catching my breath. I took a step back and moved my hair out of my face, placing my hand on my forehead.
"What is it, y/n? I heard you scream..."
He pointed out. I turned around and looked over to where she had been standing.
"W-... uh...there a lady that was standing there, she went up into flames and disappeared before you got here.
I told him, pointing confusedly to the spot where she was standing. He started to tense up.
"Cas, what is it?" I asked him as he started looking around. He grabbed my arm and brought me inside.
"Y/n... What did this lady look like?"
He asked me. I started to describe her.
"Uh, I dunno... Red hair, demon eyes."
I started. He looked concerned.
"Hold on..."
He said, He poofed away and returned within seconds. He had a picture in his hand.
"Did she look like this?" He asked me, pointing to someone specific in the picture. It was an older picture. She was standing next to two other men, the looked to be from the early 1900's
"Thats her... How did you know?"
I asked him, my breath finally returning to normal.
He reached for his phone.
"Y/n... Her name is Abaddon... she was a Knight of Hell..."
He paused.
"Dean killed her."
"She's dead? That's impossible I just had a conversation with her!" I protested. Castiel began to dial his phone.
"Dean...You need to get here as quickly as possible. I'ts y/n, she is ok, but I believe she is in danger."
He said into his phone. I was puzzled as to what was going on.
"What did she say to you?' He asked. I have never seen him so interrogative before.
"She said that there can't be another slip up like my brothers... and that she has people out to get me..."
Those words made me quiver.
"Cas... How did she die? I asked him. He seemed less interested in my question, but decided to answer it anyways.
"That's beside the fact. We have a bigger problem than that right now."
Is all he said. I nodded.
The boys suddenly barged in the door and came over to check on me.
"Are you alright?! Did someone try to come in?" Dean started throwing questions at me.
"Abaddon came for a visit." Cas told him. The boys looked at him like he was speaking a new language.
"What? No, there's no way, I killed her!"
Cas looked at him sternly.
"There is one thing I can tell you for sure, she hasn't risen from the dead, but she definitely went through some kind of hell to get to y/n. I don't know what she has planned, but whatever it is... It's not going to be good."
Typical Castiel, stating the worst. I cut him off impatiently.
"Who is she?! I mean if she is sending people after me I'd like to know at least who their coming from!" I exclaimed. Dean and Sam immediately looked at Cas.
"You didn't bother to mention that our little sister is being hunted down?! Jesus Christ Cas!"
Dean was angry, and confused... I could see it in his eyes.
"Nobody is listening here! Who the fuck is this red head girl I want a story now!"
I demanded with aggravation. They all shut up and looked at me as I spoke.
"Right... Abaddon was a former Knight of Hell. She killed your grandfather, tried to kill your brothers, and also attempted to take over hell." He explained.
"W-What... Why?!" I asked. Dean and Cas shared a look.
"Because she's a demon from the 1900's who doesn't give a shit!"
Dean finished angrily. I shook my head in confusion.
"So why is she after me? I haven't done anything wrong?" I asked again. Sam chimed in.
"Yet... You haven't done anything wrong yet, but maybe that's just it. What if Abaddon saw something from the future, from the prophecy. She could be trying to stop something from happening in the future."
Cas nodded at his point.
"That could be true, but the question is that why does she care? She's already dead, why exactly does she have to come now?" Castiel questioned, none of us had an answer.
"U-uhm... Ok... Well can we do something now other than sit around here waiting for people who may not even come?"
I asked, ready to drop the subject. They all agreed. Castiel took me for a walk to clear my mind while Dean and Sam began to search for answers.
"How are you feeling, y/n?" He asked, I shrugged.
"I'm fine honestly. I mean, still wondering about why she wants my head on a steak, but we'll find that out I guess." I said.
"So your not really worried?"
"Not necessarily, when we spoke she seemed kinda harmless. I don't know what her intentions are, looks can be deceiving... But it didn't seem like she was up to a whole lot."
Castiel chuckled.
"Deceiving is the exact word I would use to describe her. I'm not trying to become the barer of bad news here, but I'd hate to tell you that she probably has something bad up her sleeve..."
"That's just fantastic."
"How is that fanta-... Wait, sarcasm...?"
"Someone is catching on quick!"
I joked. We continued our walk until we finally got back to Bobby's house. The boys have yet to find a breakthrough, and I will admit, I am getting kind of nervous.
I decided to pass time by braiding my hair. I grabbed a brush and sat down next to Dean and Sam. I weaved my fingers through my y/h/c locks until I ended up with a satisfying braid.
   I was getting bored at the house. I know I can't really go out at this time, but my heart was calling for adventure and I couldn't just stay in here for much longer. Castiel was God-knows-where, and my brothers were still researching, so I figured it wouldn't be much harm if I just walked around Bobby's ginormous hoard of cars and trucks, just to get some fresh air.
  I tip-toed outside silently and began to walk around this maze of vehicles. It was like an endless loop, car after car, row after row. I turned left and right until I was satisfied with the outside and was ready to head back in. I rounded a corner when I felt a cloth cover my mouth and nose and within seconds, I was unconscious.

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