Loosing Him

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((Pic is Summers new bed))

I walked away and into the kitchen. I heard footsteps and turned around.

"Ash. Where are you going?" I asked.

"Back home. Im gonna call some people to make sure of what is happening." he answered not looking at me.

"What did Blake say?"

"He said that if I do that again he'll make me a girl. I wouldnt be mad cause you know-"

"Yea. Your gay but your still my best friend." I smiled and hugged him. "Bye bitch." I smiled and pushed him out the door.

A few minuets later after thinking I finally choose to eat. I go to the fridge and get some fruit. Then I feel hands on my waist.

"Babe. Why did you kiss him?" I heard Blake ask.

"I thought he needed some comfort from his best friend." I said turning around. "I love him. Only because hes basically my brother. Thats the only way." I looked into his eyes but he didnt look at me.

He suddenly had a look of rage on his face. I backed away and dropped my little cup of fruit. I felt scared.

"Well if you love him so much, go date him!" he yelled. A tear rolled down my face.

"Blake. I cant do that." I said calmly hiding my fear.

"Oh yea! Why not!" he asked and got in my face. I got madder by the minute. I slapped him.

"Because I love you! Not him!" I yelled in his face. "If you dont love me then leave! Just fucking leave!" I yelled and pushed him out the door. I locked it.

I ran to my new room. The one we used to share. I didnt eat, but about an hour later I had on some pants and started to clean. Blakes cousin came by and dropped off Summers bed.

I had made a little bed for the dogs to sleep in the lower half of it. I would have a little party for her today. There was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Blake.

I rolled my eyes. "I know im the last person you want to see, but hear me out." he begged. I nodded.

"Continue." I said.

"I do love you. I really do, but please dont leave me. I feel terrible. Within the last like two hours I was talking with Ash. Before I left he did something." I raised my eyebrows. I forgot to tell him. Kill me now.

"Oh yea. Hes gay by the way." I smiled.

"No kidding." he fake smiled. "Please don't leave me." he got back on topic.

"Blake. I love you, Summer loves you. I-I just dont want to be hurt. I won't mention this to my brother but give me a break please. I need time to think. Ok?" I said looking down.

"Sky. If its what you want. I would kill myself if you wanted me too." he said bringing my chin up to look at him. I nodded feeling a tear roll down my face.

"Goodbye Blake. Just get your stuff." I said clear pain in my voice.

He was done within 10 minutes. He was about to go but I brought him up to the room we used to share. I looked at the picture wall. I started to take some pictures off the wall. I looked at my finished work. It was half of a heart. I gave the other half to him.

"Here. Take these. Just for memories. I will try to keep in touch. Ok?" I looked up at him. Thats when I realized im like an ant and hes a giant. He nodded and pulled me into one last kiss. I can't believe I'm going through with this.

AN: im sorry this was short but I didn't want to give anything away for the next chapter. I was listening to amnesia by 5SOS while wrting this. I almost cried just listening to the tune of it. OMG!!!😭😭😭

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