Morgan is Natewantstobattles girlfriend and to be honest, I fucking love her.
I know there are those fangirls that are like, *insert valley girl voice* "OMG Ew, Morgan is like so fucking ugly, like why the fuck is Nate dating her, like, Im way prettier than her."
Uh, news flash honey, Nate is a grown ass man (or man child) that can make is own decisions and he can date whoever the hell he wants.
If you're one of those people that think like this, than heres a little something for you, that something is a BIG FUCK YOU!Morgan makes Nate happy, isnt that what we want for him, to be happy with someone that he loves.
I honestly love her videos and cosplays, and holy shit, is she gorgeous.
She makes me more gay (Im Pan) everytime I look at her.
I have a crush on both her and Nate.Overall I really like how this turn out.
Also can we just talk about on how on point her makeup is, like 👌👌👌