I was tagged by Sketchaholic to do this... Lets just get it over with.
1. Tough one.... Either Speakerbox by Bassnectar, Moon Trance by Lindsey Stirling, My Demons by Starset or Monster Inside by Natewantstobattle.
2. Does sleeping or drawing count?
3. Again tough one.... At the moment its either Skillet, Starset or Natewantstobattle
4. Voltron: Legendary Defender.... I'm obsessed plz send help
5. Fast and Furious 8, I got a bit emotional
6. Dark blue, black or light purple.
7. I'm going biased here but, Tacos
8. Arizona Ice Tea or Coffee
9. The Last Of Us, the music, storyline and characters are phenomenal and I cannot wait until the 2nd one comes out
10. They're going to hate me but i dont give a fuck