Chapter 4: Cornell University

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Dylan's POV

"So, let's cut the chase. How has our football program and let's say the other sports programs you have been involved in so far really impacted your life?"

"Well before I joined football my life was kind of boring. I mean I did get good grades and I was and still am popular but I just felt as if I wasn't really apart of this school and so when I had told that to my best friend, Becca. She convinced me to tryout for football my freshman year and look where I am now." Chris answers in a British accent. "I also think football has had a major impact on both my personal life and school life. Because of football I am now registered for classes at Stanford in the fall thanks to a football scholarship. I mean it's not exactly my dream school but I do believe I will get to the NFL one day and who knows maybe even become a football legend." He drags on that stupid British accent of his.

"Be serious." I look up from my notebook after finishing jotting down the info I'd just received. "What? I am." he laughs. "So, the whole Stanford thing, is it true?" I regain my composure and take a deep breath.

"Yes." He smiles, his eyes focusing on the road. "Well this isn't really interview related but I do think you are very lucky." I place my pen into the page that I was previously writing on so that I wouldn't lose it after I closed the notebook. "And why is that?" puzzled, he asks turning over to glance at me for a second. "Because Stanford happens to be my dream school..." I begin to gaze off outside, admiring the sunset as orange rays of light illuminated the interior of the car. "Really? I thought you'd wanna go to Cornell or some other school for smart people like you." I looked with one eye to find Chris now looking at me.

"Well that's what everyone thinks. Besides Cornell is too expensive." 

"What does that mean?" He replies in confusion to what I just said.

"What that Cornell's too expensive?"

"No the other thing."

"Oh well I am your stereotypical nerd who's an antisocial freak who also happens to love the whole entire Star Wars, Star Trek, and Harry Potter series right?" I chuckle, continuing to admire the falling leaves from the trees outside.

"That's what everyone practically thinks of us nerds. You know not all of us are able to afford to go expensive colleges. Not all of our parents are rich."

"Well I mean you can try to get a scholarship or something. Plus, you're just a junior you'll get there." he rubs my head with his big veiny hand.

"I guess you're right." I laugh, roll my eyes and swat his incredibly large hand away from me. "See, I'm always right." He laughs as he seemed absolutely unaffected by my slaps whatsoever as he continued to rub my head while having one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my head. He seems to be getting amusement out of this. Maybe he is a nice guy after all. "Sorry for bombarding you with all this Chris. I know you're not some therapist." I insist after realizing that I definitely overshared.

"Well you wanna know what I think?" he adds. "Hold onto your glasses because we're making a u-turn." he turns the wheel with both hands as he turns up the radio, blasting loud obnoxious rap music. I held onto my seatbelt for dear life as the car swerved, making a painfully loud screeching noise. The car came to a stop and I finally was able to sit still. I wiped the sweat drop from my brow and took heavy breaths.

The sun had already went to sleep as we pulled into a massive parking lot filled with tons of expensive looking cars and also not to mention a lot of party goers. I look over at the building covered in neon lights, shining so magnificently. Music could be heard coming from inside what seems to be a night club. I unbuckle my seatbelt as Chris enters the small parking spot in between two large SUVs. He removes the key from the ignition. "You need to let loose." He shoves his car keys into his pocket and opened the glove department, reaching for a pair of sun glasses. "Let's go." He slams the door on his way out.

I slowly step out and gently close the door behind me. He presses a button on his key chain and the car makes a beeping noise. "Wait are you serious about this!?" I duck down and whisper. "Get up." He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up. "You're acting like we're gonna get arrested or something." He still had ahold of my arm. "We're underage, so I'm one hundred percent we are." I struggle to free myself from Chris' tight grip. He stops in his tracks and pulls out his leather wallet. He pulls out his fake I.D and hands it to me.

"So what I'm a supposed to do? Wait out here while you go in there and get wasted?"

"No. Luckily, I know the bartender personally so she'll let you in through the back."

"I don't think that's-"

Before I could finish my own sentence head hurried me over towards the back of the club. He nudges me forward. I peeked over my shoulder to find Chris giving me a big thumbs up. I looked back to the door and pulled out my phone to shine some light on the very sketchy alleyway I was now in. I turn around expecting to find Chris still standing there but he had already ran off. I stood there awkwardly awaiting the bartender to let me in. I was startled by an orange tabby dumpster diving nearby.


"You Dylan?" A woman poked her head out of the back door, looking around cautiously. "Yes." I awkwardly wave and hold my hand out to greet the woman. She grabbed my arm and lunged me inside as soon I was in her reach. "Don't tell anyone about this. You're lucky I know Chris." She whispers still looking around as if she were about to get caught. I look around at my surroundings. Shelfs and shelfs of liquor and other substances were in view. This must be the storage room. As I turned back to the woman she had already gone away. I'm an actual teenager in a club full of adults. The minute I step out of this room I am going to get caught.

The door knob began to turn to the storage room began to turn. I panicked as I frantically searched for a hiding place. Spotting a bunch of empty cardboard boxes I ran and ducked for cover. "Nice shoe." Chris whispers into the darkness.

I look down at my shoe which was sticking out. "Thank god we're not playing hide and seek because if that were the case." Chris groaned. I nervously lifted myself, leaning on the shelf for support.

Loud obnoxious rap music like the tracks from Chris' car began to blast throughout the large room filled with people dancing, some even grinding on each other. The bright laser like lights from all colors bounced off the walls of the room as smog fogged up the room.

"So how do these work!" I shout over the loud music in hopes that Chris would somehow hear me. Instead of replying he reached into his pocket and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. "Here just go up to the bartender ask for the "Wright Usual" and order yourself something." he pats my head and pushes himself past me, hitting my shoulder. I turn around as I realized he was headed for some girl who danced the night away in nothing but high heels, booty shorts and a tube top. I roll my eyes to the back of my head. How can he invite me to this club for some "fun" and then leave me all alone. Whatever it's not like I was going to dance or anything. I pull out a stool and sat down at the bar, placing my two elbows on the table. "You again." The same woman from earlier approached me. "Oh, hi." I was about to pull my hand out again but I worried she was going to pull me towards her again. "Let me guess. The "Wright Usual" She adds.

"What can I get for you?"

"Wait wait wait...."

"It's your first time here so you're an amateur. I'll give you what I give all amateurs."

"No it's okay I just want a water!" I kindly reject her offer. She didn't hear me. And she's going to go make the drinks. This was such a bad idea.

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