Chapter Twenty One: We Are Original

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We pull into the driveway of my two story suburban home. Of course it's nothing compared to Castle Wright. I still don't understand how one house could have so many rooms.

"Alright kid. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He leans back and looks over at me, one hand on the steering wheel. I hop out of the car and hold onto the door, my back facing Chris. Today was a great day. In fact, this is the happiest I've felt in a while. "Chris." I call out to him, my back still facing him. Nervously, I slowly turn to face him. "Yeah kid?" He looks up at me. I bend down to meet his gaze. "Thanks for today." I struggle to form a smile on my face. "No." He says. My face freezes. My eyes grow wide.

"Thank you." He nods his head, smiling back at me. "For what?" I ask. "For today." He removes his hand from the steering wheel and adjusts his position to face me completely now. He clears his throat.

"Considering the way my morning was going, you saved me."

"Anytime." I happily nod. "I should get going. My parents are probably worried sick." He turns back to face the steering wheel. "See you tomorrow.." I mutter under my breath and stand up straight. I gently close the door shut and watch Chris speed off. His engine roars in the distance and a bright smile forms across my face.

The next morning, it's back to hitting the books. This week is also huge. I'm supposed to present a rough draft to Eugene and his team on Wednesday so that we could present something to the principle. I've written a few paragraphs with what information I currently have but these last few days I've spent with Chris I haven't been asking questions and gathering information. Whatever I have now will have to do. I could possibly use some information Chris shared with me yesterday as part of some vital pieces to the story. It'll help make it more personal and will help readers in understanding Chris more as a person. Everyone sees Chris as the towns football star, a church goer, and the next owner of all of his fathers businesses. But spending these last few days with him as proven all of it wrong. It's all wrong.

"Hey!" Jenny catches up to me in the hallway. "So.. how's your project coming along." She adjusts the strap of her backpack on her shoulder. "Good." I smile at her. "Wow.. someone is more cheery than usual." She chuckles. "I just had a great day yesterday. That's all." I attempt to switch the conversation so I don't have to tell her about any of my interactions with Chris yesterday. "Okay. What'd you do?" She stops and faces me, arms crossed. "I.. uh.."

"Remember kindergarten?" She showcases her pinky.

"No secrets." I shrug my shoulders and laugh.

"No secrets."

Our pinkies lock and we share a laugh. "Okay.. so coincidentally I ran into to Chris while I was out on my run yesterday."

"Well I didn't run into him. More like I was running and I saw him sitting on the steps of the church in town and he looked lonely. So I approached him and we talked and then one thing lead to another and we were at Lake Evergreen together." I cautiously look around to my left and right, keeping my voice at a low level. "And?!" She raises her voice. "Sh!!" I shush her with my finger. "Sorry." She whispers. "It's not what you think. We talked for hours, swam... it was pretty cool. And if I'm being honest it's the happiest I've felt in a while. I feel like I really got to see a different side of him yesterday." I explain to her, smiling at the thought of Chris. "This is HUGE!" She whispers, hardly able to contain her excitement. "You look like you're about to pop." I chuckle. "Because I am!!! Look at how happy you look. I haven't seen a smile this genuine since last year. It's a good look on you." She throws her arm around me. In shock I slowly wrap my arms around her in response. "Come on let's head to class. The bell is about to ring." I take her arm and lead her towards the steps. "Thanks by way, Jenny. I don't know what I would do if you weren't my best friend." Our arms are intertwined as we walk together to AP chem. "No." She breaks away from my grip. "We're not like other girls. We're different." She says in a mocking tone.

Ever since kindergarten Jenny and I have vowed to never be like other girls and to always be "original." So if you're expecting us to have a "bestie" type relationship, you're wrong. Jenny and I have always been different. Sorry not different.


Flashback to elementary school:

It was the day before winter break during their sixth grade year at Roseville Elementary. The class was exchanging gifts with one another in honor of the Christmas season. And while other girls bought each other matching sets of friendship bracelets or clothing, Dylan created this massive contraption that allowed for the easy flow of Gerber Puffs into ones mouth. Gerber Puff's are Jennifer's favorite snack. Yes "are" as in still. Jennifer may be your girl next door but she's not the ordinary kind of girl next door. She's the spontaneous kind who dyes her hair crazy colors and always has the sickest outfits. Meanwhile, Jennifer spent a few weeks catching and killing the Rollie Pollies in her backyard to make them into a necklace for Dylan. It was that cold and snowy day where many of the students at Roseville Elementary School were forever traumatized at such a gift.


"We're original." I laugh and hold out my pinky. "That's more I like it." She locks her pinky in mine and we continue to walk to class. Despite getting weird stares everyday from that incident back in sixth grade, I don't care. They could never be as original as Jenny and I.

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