Chapter 4: My Crow

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"I thought you were dead." David walks closer to Luna as she was petting Booker. "Still breathing aren't I? Nothing stays dead forever David." Luna smiles at Booker. "How is it possible? They told me that you were dead. I saw you get..." "Stabbed? I know." Luna interrupts David and Booker moves to the side. Luna stands up and gets closer to David. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't see you for awhile." Luna tries to put her hands on David's face, but David grabs her hands. "For almost twenty years." David said angrily. "Yes, I know, but I couldn't see you. Master X told me about the massacre and what you did. Then the past years, you went after mob bosses, gangsters, and corrupt politicians. It was hard for me to see you become like this." Luna looks at David's eyes. "Tough luck, this is the only life I will ever have. We can't have the life we want. It's too late for that." David said as Luna puts her arms around David's ribs. Luna feels David's body and leans closer. "Remember all those fun times we had. I just wish we relive those memories, don't you." Luna looks at David and leans forward to kiss him, but David pulls away. "First, I want to know why you're here and how you found me?" David asked and Luna thought about it. "Master X wants you to come back." Luna explained. "Come back? After what I did, there's no chance in hell I'm coming back. Besides he's got other problems to deal with." David said as he throws the knife Luna thrown earlier at the table. "You have to or Master Y will find you and send his followers to kill you." Luna said. "Let them come. I'll kill the rest of them if I have to. Besides one of my good friends was murder in Atlanta and what did you do? Nothing. They just let the murderer get away." David said. "He left remember. He married a girl and had a son together. You should know that. After all, I've heard what happened between you and his wife. I get it, you thought I was dead and you decided to sleep with her didn't you. Then you got her..." Luna said as David looks at her. "Stop. I don't want to talk about it. It didn't mean anything to me. Besides this isn't my fight anymore, I'm done with their stupid war." David said as Booker goes next to him. "Oh, so this is not a stupid war. It's a war you can't win, eventually, it will catch up to you." Luna goes closer. "Please come back with me." Luna said. "I can't. I got unfinished business to deal with." David said. "Please, I want us to be together again. Come back with me." Luna puts her hand on David's cheek and David closed his eyes. "I think you need to leave." David said as Luna felt hurt inside and she pulled away. She looked down. "Fine." Luna turns around and walks to the door. She then looks at David. "See you around." Luna walks out of the door and shuts it. David looks at the knife that Luna have left then walks to it and picks it up. David looks carefully and smiles. "My Moon." David reads it off from the blade and Booker walks next to him to look at David. David looks down at him. "She was some woman." David said as he walks to the kitchen with Booker.

Later that Night

David was outside hanging from the side of the building. He was using his grappling hook and was pulling himself up until he reached the roof. David got up and saw two crows flying next to each other. Including a bird who was flying behind them. David just smirk and heads inside the building. He was walking in a hallway looking at the doors listening carefully. By the time he reached the door, it was already opened. David takes out one of his pistol and slowly walks inside the apartment. When he got inside, it was a mess. Broken glass everywhere and doesn't see no one. He then heard a loud banging noise in a bedroom so he goes to check it out. The door had a little crack so he decides to take a peek. David sees two men in there and a woman tied up against the bed. The two men looked like they were waiting for something. One of the guys has a broken glass bottle and goes closer to the woman. "You're finally awake. So Cassandra Snow. Do you know where your husband is?" The guy said as Cassandra was very calm and was bleeding from her bottom lip. "Let me go and I promise I won't tell Rob about this." Cassandra tries to threaten the guys, but they just smiled and one of the guys walked closer to her. He grabs her jaw. "Tough chick. I like it when they resist." The guy grabs her legs and Cassandra looks angry. "Go ahead. I've been through worse than this." Cassandra looks straight at the guy and the guy slaps her then goes to her legs to spread them open. Suddenly the second guy by the door gets his neck twisted and falls to the ground. The guy turns around and sees David standing by the door. He pulls out his pistol and David grabs the guy's hand then pulls it up. David does a straight punch to the stomach and throws him to the wall hitting his face. David grabs the guy's head and slams it on the small glass table. David stomps on the guy's head and breaks the small glass table. David then grabs a piece of glass and stabs the guy's eye. David left it in there and looks at Cassandra who was very calm for some reason. David didn't know what to do next because he just came to find Rob. Then he walks next to her and pulls out a combat knife. Cassandra looks at the knife. David then cuts the ropes. Cassandra tried to move, but felt pain in the stomach and David helped her sit up. David had his left hand on her right shoulder and looks carefully at her eyes. Cassandra looks at him who doesn't feel scared of him. "Thank you." Cassandra said as David nods and someone walks in with a pistol. It was Rob and he looks at the dead bodies then at David. "Get away from my wife." Rob points his pistol at David. "No Rob, he saved me." Cassandra said, but Rob wasn't gonna put his gun away until David leaves or shoots him. "What do you mean he saved you? This vigilante is a murderer. He doesn't give a damn about anyone besides himself." Rob looks straight at David and David looks right back. "Listen, if I wanted to kill your wife, I would've done by now and we wouldn't be having this conversation. I think it's best you put that gun away unless you're ready to use it." David rolls down a small knife from his sleeve and covered it to make sure he doesn't see it. "Please Rob, just put that gun away." Cassandra said as Rob was thinking while aiming his pistol at David. He looks angry at David, but calms down and lowers his pistol. David steps away from Cassandra and Rob walks to her. He hugs her and checks for any wound. David watched and thought about killing Rob, but he couldn't. As David was walking to the door, Rob stopped by saying hey. "I better not see you again. You hear." Rob said as David walked out leaving them there. Rob and Cassandra hugged each other. "I'll never let anyone else hurt you again. You hear me Cassie, no one." Rob said as Cassie was thinking about the vigilante and why he was there.

"The time wasn't right. Now, I'll just have to wait and see where he goes next. Next time, he won't be lucky. I will find out who is running the operation here in San Diego. Must stay focus. Luna on the other hand might cause trouble for what I'm planning. Must keep an eye on her. Overall, I'll be ready."

Darkness is all he sees. David opens his eyes and sees a light on the ceiling. David felt pain on his head and puts his right hand on it. He then remembers the bullet hitting his head and his older brother getting shot in front of him. David looks around and he was in the hospital. David then remembers what happened to his mother and his sisters. He started crying then closed his fists. He then heard someone next to him and turns to his left. There was a young man leaning against the wall. "You're finally awake David." The young man said as he walked towards David and stops next to the bed. "How do you know my name?" David asked. "We've been watching you for awhile now and we're impressive." The young man said. "What? Who are you?" David was very confused of what it is happening. "My name is not important right now. The next time you wake up, you'll be somewhere else and everyone you know won't never see you again. You're a dead man walking, nothing more." The young man gives David a shot on the neck fast before David could move. "What the hell is..." David then started to fade and fell back to the bed. "You must be ready. Good luck." The young man said as David closes his eye and felt asleep. David then opened his eyes and found himself laying down on his bed. David sits up then his door opens and looks. He felt confused. "David, get up, no sleeping without eating dinner first." It was David's youngest sister by the door as she smiles and David was freaked out.

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