Chapter 14: Who am I

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Katie wakes up and sees herself in a house. She wore a brown tank top with blue jeans. The house is abandoned and was dirty filled with broken wood and trash. Katie was handcuffed to the chair and sees David leaning against a wall with a knife. "You're finally awake." David walks off and stands in front of Katie. "Are you gonna kill me or what?" Katie asked. "No, not yet. I just want to let you know that this is my home. You wanted to get closer with me so here we are." David steps closer to Katie. "I will let you live if you tell me where Cassie is." David said. "No chance. Your sister is where she belongs, with her father. You will never get anything from me." Katie said and David looks at her then aims the knife at her face. "Knives don't scare me." Katie said. "Of course they don't." David started moving the knife and doing some tricks. "Remember what happened on your sixteen birthday." David said as Katie looks at him. "Ben told me about it. I felt sorry for you, because that happened to my mother, and my sisters." David then stops moving the knife. "I hunted them and killed them all, but I made sure they died slowly. But to be honest, I didn't have anyone else back then. Now I do." David grabs Katie's head and placed the knife dangerously close to Katie's throat. David was close to Katie's face and stared into her eyes. Katie felt terrified and was trying to keep it together, but David noticed. "My sister is the only one I have left in this world. And I really don't care what I have to do to get her back." David slowly moving the knife leaving a mark on Katie's throat. "STOP!" Katie screamed. "I swear I don't know where she is. Your father left me at the laboratory. I'm telling you the truth. I swear." Katie explained and David looks at her to make sure she's not lying. "Alright." David turns away and walks away from her. "That's it." Katie was confused. "Yeah, I knew that you don't know where my father is. I just wanted to make sure." David said and he stops by the hallway. "Ben wanted me to save you, but you're the only one who can save yourself." David walked into the hallway leaving Katie to think.

David went to his old room and sees it all messy. The house was abandoned and no one had lived there since his family was murdered. David looks at the beds and remembers when his brother Alex used to watch over him when they were little kids. As he was thinking about it, Pete walks into the room. "Hey." Pete said as David sees him. "You should be resting." David said. "Not until the hunt is finish." Pete looks around the room. "Is this your room?" Pete asked. "Yes." David sits on the dirty bed. "Life was simple when you're a kid. No responsibilities, no consequences, not a care in the world." David smirks. "For me, I never got that opportunity. My mother committed suicide when I was five while my father, well, he was never around to take care of me." Pete said and David looks at him. "By the time I was nine, he was murdered by some gang for getting too close to their space. I ran away before the police could take me to an orphanage. The police then assume I killed my father so there was no turning back. After a month, the Hunters found me in an alley almost close to death from starvation. I owed them my life and I became one of them. There was never a moment I could remember having a simple life." Pete said feeling bad. "Life is one big disappointment, but we're still here, trying to find what we want. At this point of life, I'm not sure we have anything left to continue on." Pete explained. "I did find something, but it was taken from me again. I won't let my sister be taken away from me again." David said. "What about after that? After you save her?" Pete asked and David remembers when Luna told him that. "I don't know." David said then hears something outside and so does Pete. "They're here." David said as he and Pete exit out of the room. "I heard it too." Pete said as Katie was still handcuffed to the chair. "Get her to the room down the hall. I'll handle them." David said as Pete was pulling the chair back and Katie wasn't saying anything. David takes out both of his pistol and loads it.

There were guys outside with pistols, shotguns, and submachine guns. Eight of them were in front of the house while the other six guys go to the back. They all got ready to break in and attack from both sides. "Ready. Let's go." One of the guys said as he kicks the  door opened then suddenly a trap went off and blew him up along with three others. The other four were pushed back, but were alive. The other six heard and went inside the house from the back. They look around the living room, but David wasn't there. A guy looks up and sees a edge above him then David appears. David jumps down to him while firing. David lands on top of him then looks up. David fires at the other guys while diving behind the counter. He killed two of them while the other three went behind cover. David reloads his pistols and the three guys fired. One guy goes closer while the other two fire. David drops himself on his back and shoots at the guy. The guy falls and David went back to cover. The other two guys were still behind cover and were trying to figure out how to get closer to David. David pulls out a smoke grenade and throws it next to the two guys then blows up into smoke. Blinded and David walks towards without a thought. David sees one of them and shoots him in the head twice then the other guy appears next to him. David raise the guy's weapon up then shoots him in the chest with his pistol four times. The guy drops to the ground and David shoots him in the head. David then took a peek outside from the front door and suddenly gets spear down by one of the guys outside. David drops his pistols and the guy lifts David up. The guy punches David in the face and kicked him to the wall. The guy goes for other swing, but David ducks and punches him straight into the body close to the liver. The guy felt in shocked and David grabs the guy by the throat then slams him against the wall. David grabs the guy's head and slams it against the wall five times. Blood was on the wall including the guy's head. David lets go of him and the guy falls to the ground. David then gets shot in the back and falls to his knees. David sees the pistol and grabs it quickly then shoots at the two guys who were by the door. Both of them dead and David stands up. He was lucky that the bullet hit his body armor underneath his shirt. David looks around and listens carefully. He then looks at the back door and sees the last guy with the gun raised. David fires, but no bullets were left. The guy fires and hits David three times in the torso. David falls to the ground on his back. The guy goes closer to see if David is dead. When the guy got closer, he saw David laying down on the ground with his eyes closed. The guy looks at David carefully and sees him not breathing. The guy then lowers his gun. The guy takes a breather then suddenly David sweep the guy's leg causing him fall to the ground. David gets on top of him while the guy had his gun to his face to hit David's face, but instead David grabs it. David smashes it against the guy's face twice then throws the gun away. David then started punching the guy's face multiple times and wouldn't stop. David kept on punching until the guy stopped moving. When David stopped, he sees blood on the guy's face including his own knuckles. With all the rage he has, David feels nothing, but kill his father. David stands up and looks around his abandoned house. The house was already a wrecked, but made it worse with the dead bodies around. David closed his eyes and listens carefully. He hears nothing, but a sound in his head made him smile. David opens his eyes and walks to the room where Pete was. He goes in there and sees Pete behind a counter with a pistol. "It's time to go." David said and grabs the black bag from the dirty bed. "What about Katie?" Pete asked and they see Katie still tied up to the chair. Katie was still quiet then looked at David. David stared back and realize what he has to do. David walks to her and looks at Katie. "Just do it already. There's no way I'm going back." Katie said as David looks at her and Katie looks at him. "We'll see what God has to say about that." David puts his hand on Katie's chest then they both stared at each other's eyes. David pulls out his hidden blade to stab her in the heart. Katie stares at him then closed her eyes. "May God have mercy on your soul." David said and pulls out the hidden blade then stood up. Pete watched and looks at David. David then looks at Pete. "Come on, before the cops show." David said as he walks away and Pete watched him carefully. Pete takes one last look at Katie then walks out of the room. David and Pete were both outside of the house. David lit up a lighter and takes a look at his old house. "It's time to let the past die." David throws the lighter inside the house and fire started. David walks away while Pete follows him. Pete was thinking and watching David carefully. David feels like there was an end coming as he continued walking away from his old house while it was on fire.

27 Years Ago

A man was crawling away while blood was pouring from his chest and mouth. He then stopped and lean against the wall. There was two other dead men with gunshots and blood around. A crow was up on a edge looking down at the guy. He looks up and sees a young man walking towards him. The young man wore all black with a hood on and a bandana covering his mouth. Also had a katana around his back. It was David. He had a pistol pointing it at the guy who was bleeding out. "Who the fuck are you? Do you know who you're fucking with?" The guy yelled as David holster his pistol and pulls out his katana. David places the tip of the katana close to the guy's neck. "Yes I do." David said. "You must have a death wish or something. When my friends find out who you are, they'll kill everyone you know. Your family, your friends, all of them." The guy said angrily and coughs out blood. David sees the necklace around the guy's neck and pulls it out with his katana. "This is mine." David said and looks down at him. "Besides, all of your friends are dead. Some begged for their lives while others couldn't talk." David stares at the guy who was scared. "You took everything away from me. You left me to rot at my house with my brother." David looks straight into the guy's eyes. "Do you believe in God?" David asked. "I...I don't believe in anything." The guy was confused. "Really? I thought we both believed in the same thing. You showed me the way when you put a bullet through my head. I thought that it was over, but instead, God gave me a propose." David removes his bandana and looks at the guy. "Say hi to death for me." David slowly drives the katana into the guy's throat. David watched as the guy slowly bleed out. "May God have mercy on your soul, you bastarto." David said as the guy closed his eyes and David pulls out the katana which cut the guy's neck off from his left side. David watched him and closes his eyes. "It's done. Now my family can rest peacefully." David said to himself and puts away his katana. The crow started chirping and David looks at it then put his right arm up. The crow flew to him and lands on David's right arm. David strokes it. "Come Pluto, our work here is finished." David said as he walks away leaving the dead body.

"At the age of fifteen, David Rodriguez died along with his family. Four years later, David Rodriguez rose from the ashes and out came the Dark Hunter. I killed all of the men who hurt and killed my family. They all suffered a slow death. As the years passed by, I soon realized that I can't have a normal life. I've got nothing, but more blood on my hands. I've been waiting to die for a long time and yet, no one has been able to kill me. Still, my days are numbered and my time is almost over. If not, then I will continue living the chaos and madness around me. That's my fate, that's who I am."

Present Day

"The time has come." Eric said as he was relaxing on his chair. "When he comes, I expect you to do the right thing. You'll have to kill him when he comes. Do you understand me?" Eric said as he stands up and looks at Cassie. "Yes father. I will be ready." Cassie said as she looks at her small pistol and hides it under her sleeve.

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